Application area annotation

Configure a test environment in scope of the particular application area with the @magentoAppArea annotation.


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* @magentoAppArea <area code>

Fallback sequence

  1. Test annotation
  2. Test case annotation
  3. Default application area, which is global

Test case annotation

A test case annotation enables the specified application area for all tests in the test case.


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* @magentoAppArea adminhtml
namespace Vendor\Module;
class ClassToTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
public function testOne()
* @magentoAppArea frontend
public function testTwo()
public function testThree()

testOne() and testThree() are set to run in scope of the adminhtml application area, whereas testTwo() is set to run in scope of the frontend area.

Test annotation

A test annotation is used to configure the environment in scope of the specified application area for the test. Commerce is reinitialized in the corresponding scope each time you specify a different area.


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namespace \Vendor\Module;
class ClassToTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
// executes the test in scope of the global area
public function testOne()
// reinitializes the application and executes the test in scope of the frontend area
* @magentoAppArea frontend
public function testTwo()
// reinitializes the application and executes the test in scope of the adminhtml area
* @magentoAppArea adminhtml
public function testThree()
// reinitializes the application and executes the test in scope of the global area
public function testFour()
// executes in scope of the global area
public function testFive()