Component registration annotation

When your test design requires to register fixture components and unregister them after the test execution, use the @magentoComponentsDir annotation. It enables you to register all the components at a specified directory recursively.


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* @magentoComponentsDir <dir_path>

Here, <dir_path> is a path to the directory with fixture components. Each component must be registered using registration.php file.

Test case

@magentoComponentsDir annotation for a test case is applied to all test methods in the test case.

Test method

@magentoComponentsDir annotation for a test method configures the test to run with registered components located in a specified directory. If the parent test case also declares a @magentoComponentsDir, both annotation are merged.


The following example demonstrates @magentoComponentsDir annotation in different scopes.

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namespace Magento\Foo;
* @magentoComponentsDir Magento/Foo/_files/code/Magento
class BarTest extends \PHPUnit\Framework\TestCase
* @magentoComponentsDir Magento/Foo/_files/themes
public function testOne()
... // Here you can use registered components from 'Magento/Foo/_files/code/Magento' and 'Magento/Foo/_files/themes'
* @magentoComponentsDir Magento/Foo/_files/libs
* @magentoComponentsDir Magento/Baz/_files/languages
public function testTwo()
... // Here you can use the registered components from 'Magento/Foo/_files/code/Magento', 'Magento/Foo/_files/libs', and 'Magento/Baz/_files/languages'

Each path declared in annotation must contain a registration file in the specified directory or its subdirectories. For example, the MagentoFooTest_MyModule component at @magentoComponentsDir Magento/Foo/_files/code/Magento can be registered in Magento/Foo/_files/code/Magento/MyModule/registration.php:

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use Magento\Framework\Component\ComponentRegistrar;