Dependency annotation

The @depends annotation helps you to define some dependencies between methods.


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* @depends methodName

Example 1

Let's check the following basic example.

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* @return int
public function testOne(): int
$number = 2;
$this->assertEquals(2, $number);
return $number;
* @depends testOne
* @param $number
public function testNumber($number)
$this->assertEquals(2, $number);

Example 2

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* @return int
public function testTwo(): int
$number = 2;
$this->assertEquals(2, $number);
return $number;
* @return int
public function testOne(): int
$number = 1;
$this->assertEquals(1, $number);
return $number;
* @depends testOne
* @depends testTwo
* @param $one
* @param $two
public function testNumber(int $one, int $two)
$this->assertEquals(1, $one);
$this->assertEquals(2, $two);

Example 3

Let's check the following practical example, where we'll be checking the customer email by customer ID.

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use Magento\Customer\Api\CustomerRepositoryInterface;
use Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerInterface;
use Magento\TestFramework\Helper\Bootstrap;
* @magentoDataFixture Magento/Customer/_files/customer.php
public function testLoadCustomer(): CustomerInterface
$customerId = 1;
$objectManager = Bootstrap::getObjectManager();
$customerRepository = $objectManager->create(CustomerRepositoryInterface::class);
return $customerRepository->getById($customerId);
* @depends testLoadCustomer
* @param CustomerInterface $customer
public function testEmail(CustomerInterface $customer)
$this->assertEquals('', $customer->getEmail());

You can read more about PHPUnit dependency annotation here.