Data fixture before transaction attribute

The data fixture before transaction attribute is an extension of Data Fixture attribute that applies fixtures before the transaction and reverts applied fixtures after the transaction. With disabled DB isolation, this attribute is identical to the Data Fixture attribute


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DataFixtureBeforeTransaction(string $type, array $data = [], string $count = 1, string $scope = 'default', ?string $as = null)


  • type
    • The fully qualified name of a class that implements Magento\TestFramework\Fixture\DataFixtureInterface or Magento\TestFramework\Fixture\RevertibleDataFixtureInterface.
  • data
    • The optional array of data passed on to the fixture.
  • count
    • The optional number of entities of the same kind and configuration that this fixture should generate.
  • scope
    • The optional store scope name from which the fixture will generate the entity.
  • as
    • The fixture alias that will be used as a reference to retrieve the data returned by the fixture and also as a reference in other fixtures parameters.


In the following example, the fixtures supplied to the DataFixtureBeforeTransaction attribute are applied before the transaction, whereas fixtures supplied to the DataFixture attribute are applied within the transaction.

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class CategoryTest extends TestCase
DataFixtureBeforeTransaction(ScheduleMode::class, ['indexer' => 'catalog_category_product']),
DataFixtureBeforeTransaction(ScheduleMode::class, ['indexer' => 'catalog_product_category']),
DataFixture(Category::class, as: 'category'),
DataFixture(Product::class, ['category_ids' => ['$$']], 'product1'),
DataFixture(Product::class, ['category_ids' => ['$$']], 'product2'),
public function testUpdateProductsPositionsWithIndexerOnSchedule(): void