Supported Library Element Types

This document provides detail on currently supported library element types; the amount of information here should be enough to get started creating any of these types, however, it may not, in certain circumstances, be completely comprehensive. This document assumes general familiarity with Libraries and the element creation process.

The element types are:

NameMIME Type
Layer Styleapplication/vnd.adobe.element.layerstyle+dcx
Color Themeapplication/vnd.adobe.element.colortheme+dcx
Character Styleapplication/vnd.adobe.element.characterstyle+dcx
Paragraph Styleapplication/vnd.adobe.element.paragraphstyle+dcx
Motion Graphic Templateapplication/vnd.adobe.element.graphic+dcx


Element Type



Represents any still image.

Allowed Representation Types

The set of types that is allowed is quite expansive, and changes frequently. This includes common image types, file formats specific to different Creative Cloud applications, and, in certain contexts, types we can convert to images, including things like PDFs, Word documents, etc. However, the most common types are:

  • image/gif
  • image/jpeg
  • image/jpg
  • image/png
  • image/svg+xml

Representation Requirements

  • if the primary representation is not a bitmap, a fullsize bitmap rendition that can be used for thumbnails
  • optionally, other renditions depending on what apps may consume the image

Example postLibraryElement Payload

Copied to your clipboard
2 "name": "my-cool-image",
3 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.element.image+dcx",
4 "client": {
5 "deviceId": "MY_COOL_DEVICE_ID",
6 "device": "MY_COOL_DEVICE",
7 "app": "MY_COOL_APP"
8 },
9 "representations": [
10 {
11 "type": "image/svg+xml",
12 "relationship": "primary",
13 "storage_href": ""
14 },
15 {
16 "type": "image/png",
17 "relationship": "rendition",
18 "storage_href": ""
19 }
20 ]


Element Type



Represents a single color.

Allowed Representation Types


Every color representation requires a property named "color#data", the value of which is a JSON structure that represents the color. This structure may have the following properties:

PropertyDescriptionRequiredValuesDefault Value
modeThe type of color space (e.g. RGB, CMYK, etc...)Yes"RGB", "CMYK", "Lab", "Gray", "HSB", "RGB.tint", "CMYK.tint", "Lab.tint"
profileNameThe name of the color profile (each mode has a default color profile if omitted, so this is always defined).NoString - Possible values may depend on app and regionDefault value depends on mode - see below.
typeWay of constructing the color (e.g. is it mixed or using a specific ink). See table below for more detailed explanation.No"process", "spot", "registration", "none""process"
valueValue of the color based on the modeYesValue depends on mode - see table below.
alphaOpacity of the colorNoFloating point number in the range 0..1 (0.0 is fully transparent, and 1.0 is fully opaque)1
spotColorNameName of the spot color (only relevant for type = "spot")Required only for colors of type "spot"String - Name of the spot color (catalog + name)

'value' will change depending on 'mode' as follows:

ModeDefault profileNameValue
CMYKU.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2Four properties named "c", "m", "y", and "k". The value of each property is a floating point number in the range 0..100.
CMYK.tintU.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2The same properties as the CMYK mode, with an additional property named "tint". The value of "tint" is a floating point number in the range 0..100.
GrayDot Gain 20%A single floating point number in the range 0..100.
HSBsRGB IEC61966-2.1Three properties named "h", "s", and "b". The value of "h" is a floating point number in the range of 0..360 and "s" and "b" are floating point numbers in the range of 0..100
LabCIELAB D50Three properties named "l", "a", and "b". The value of "L" is a floating point number in the range 0..100. The values of "a" and "b" are floating point numbers in the range -128..127.
Lab.tintCIELAB D50The same properties as the Lab mode, with an additional property named "tint". The value of "tint" is a floating point number in the range 0..100.
RGBsRGB IEC61966-2.1Three properties named "r", "g", and "b". The value of each property is a floating point number in the range 0..255.
RGB.tintsRGB IEC61966-2.1The same properties as the RGB mode, with an additional property named "tint". The value of "tint" is a floating point number in the range 0..100.

The different color "types" are as follows - note that all colors require the process values for the color mode, even if they're of a non-process type, so that they're supported in apps that only understand process colors.

TypeAdditional PropertiesDescriptionComments
noneA "none" color is used in print to mean "don't apply any ink"None colors should set the process values to 0% with alpha 0 (e.g. CMYK 0,0,0,0, alpha 0)
processA process color is one that's obtained by mixing different properties (e.g. mixing inks or light). This is the default type of color.Note: Even if a color has type other than process, it must still include a value for the color based on the table above. (e.g. CMYK must always have c, m, y, k fields).
registrationA registration color is used in print to mean "apply all the inks" (e.g. 100% process colors plus 100% of any spot color).If the type is “registration” – apps that understand this will interpret as a registration color, otherwise will use the process values. Registration colors should set the process values to 100%, with alpha 1 (e.g. CMYK 100,100,100,100, alpha 1)
spot"spotColorName": Name of the spot color (catalog + name).A spot color is used in print to mean a specific ink (e.g. using a Pantone color), rather than mixing inks.The spotColorName property holds the name of the catalog and color of the spot color, e.g. "Pantone Metallic Gold 875"

Representation Requirements

  • At least one RGB representation
  • optionally, other renditions

Example postLibraryElement Payload

Copied to your clipboard
2 "name": "my-color",
3 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.element.color+dcx",
4 "client": {
5 "deviceId": "MY_COOL_DEVICE_ID",
6 "device": "MY_COOL_DEVICE",
7 "app": "MY_COOL_APP"
8 },
9 "representations": [
10 {
11 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.color+json",
12 "relationship": "primary",
13 "color#data": {
14 "mode": "CMYK",
15 "value": {
16 "c": 100,
17 "m": 79.0585160255432,
18 "y": 39.5178139209747,
19 "k": 31.2565803527832
20 },
21 "type": "process"
22 }
23 },
24 {
25 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.color+json",
26 "relationship": "rendition",
27 "color#data": {
28 "mode": "RGB",
29 "value": {
30 "r": 12.7313232421875,
31 "g": 56.0341644287109,
32 "b": 89.8001861572266
33 },
34 "type": "process"
35 }
36 }
37 ]

Color Theme

Element Type



Represents a color theme, a collection of 5 colors.

Allowed Representation Types


The colortheme JSON requires a property named "colortheme#data", containing a structure with the following properties:

PropertyDescriptionRequiredValuesDefault Value
themeIdTheme ID as stored in Adobe ColorNo
tagsAn array of tags to help you classify your color theme, e.g., "Citrus", "Colorful", etc.No
baseSwatchIndexIndex of the base swatch in the swatches array, used mostly by apps while editing.No0, 1, 2, 3
ruleRule that was applied to base swatch to generate the other swatches.Analogous, Complimentary, Monochromatic, Triad, CustomNo
moodRule that was applied while picking colors from a picture.Colorful, Bright, Muted, Dark, CustomNo
swatchesSee below.Yes


Swatches should contain an array of exactly 5 arrays. Each array contains objects in the format defined for Color that are all representations of the same color and must include at least one RGB representation. The primary representation of any single color will always be at index 0 in the array.

Representation Requirements

  • A application/vnd.adobe.colortheme+json primary representation.

Example postLibraryElement Payload

Copied to your clipboard
2 "name": "my-cool-colortheme",
3 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.element.colortheme+dcx",
4 "client": {
5 "deviceId": "MY_COOL_DEVICE_ID",
6 "device": "MY_COOL_DEVICE",
7 "app": "MY_COOL_APP"
8 },
9 "representations": [
10 {
11 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.colortheme+json",
12 "relationship": "primary",
13 "colortheme#data": {
14 "tags": ["tag1", "tag2"],
15 "baseSwatchIndex": 0,
16 "rule": "analogous",
17 "mood": "colorful",
18 "swatches": [
19 [
20 {
21 "mode": "CMYK",
22 "value": {
23 "c": 0,
24 "m": 12,
25 "y": 37,
26 "k": 30
27 }
28 },
29 {
30 "mode": "RGB",
31 "value": {
32 "r": 179,
33 "g": 158,
34 "b": 113
35 },
36 "type": "process",
37 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
38 }
39 ],
40 [
41 {
42 "mode": "CMYK",
43 "value": {
44 "c": 17,
45 "m": 0,
46 "y": 7,
47 "k": 0
48 }
49 },
50 {
51 "mode": "RGB",
52 "value": {
53 "r": 212,
54 "g": 255,
55 "b": 237
56 },
57 "type": "process",
58 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
59 }
60 ],
61 [
62 {
63 "mode": "CMYK",
64 "value": {
65 "c": 0,
66 "m": 8,
67 "y": 27,
68 "k": 0
69 }
70 },
71 {
72 "mode": "RGB",
73 "value": {
74 "r": 255,
75 "g": 234,
76 "b": 187
77 },
78 "type": "process",
79 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
80 }
81 ],
82 [
83 {
84 "mode": "CMYK",
85 "value": {
86 "c": 9,
87 "m": 37,
88 "y": 0,
89 "k": 20
90 }
91 },
92 {
93 "mode": "RGB",
94 "value": {
95 "r": 185,
96 "g": 129,
97 "b": 204
98 },
99 "type": "process",
100 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
101 }
102 ],
103 [
104 {
105 "mode": "CMYK",
106 "value": {
107 "c": 8,
108 "m": 32,
109 "y": 0,
110 "k": 30
111 }
112 },
113 {
114 "mode": "RGB",
115 "value": {
116 "r": 164,
117 "g": 122,
118 "b": 179
119 },
120 "type": "process",
121 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
122 }
123 ]
124 ]
125 }
126 }
127 ]


Element Type



Represents a collection of colors (color stops), combined with some algorithm for interpolating between them.

Allowed Representation Types


You may also encounter a representation type of "application/vnd.adobe.gradient.noise+json", which represents a noise gradient. This is a custom gradient type used by Photoshop as a mechanism to represent textures; this gradient type contains additional fields to the ones below.

PropertyDescriptionRequiredValuesDefault ValueNotes
typeThe gradient type. Linear gradients are applied along a single axis. Radial gradients are applied outward from a single point.yesstring, one of "linear", "radial"noise gradients use "noise"
angleThe angle which the gradient is applied across the bounding box.nonumber from 0-360 inclusive (degrees)0The angle is measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.
aspectRatioFor radial gradients, the ratio between the x and y axis of the ellipse (y/x).nopositive non-zero number1.0Applies only to radial gradients.
scaleFor radial gradients, scale factor of the x-axis of the ellipse, relative to the width of the bounding box of the container being filled.nopositive non-zero number1.0Applies only to radial gradients.
centerPointFor radial gradients, the center point is the point that the gradient radiates out from.noa "Point" object (see below)(see below)Applies only to radial gradients.
stopsyesan array of arrays of "Color" objects (e.g., "swatches" property in the Colortheme element above, without the limitation of 5 colors)Must include at least RGB format, may include additional formats. Do not include alpha channel.
opacitiesnoan array of "Opacity" objects (see below)(see below)
interpolationnostring, one of "linear", "euclidean", "spline""linear"


AttributeDescriptionRequiredValuesDefault ValueNotes
xx-axis of centerpoint, relative to edges of bounding box.noNumber between -1 and 1 inclusive.0.5A percentage of the bounding box.
ynoNumber between -1 and 1 inclusive.0.5


AttributeDescriptionRequiredValuesDefault ValueNotes
opacitynonumber from 0 to 1 inclusive1.0
midpointnonumber from 0 to 1 inclusive0.5
offsetnonumber from 0 to 1 inclusivedefault value will be interpolated relative to index in array, e.g., "[ { opacity: 1, offset: 0 }, { opacity: 1, offset: 1 } ]"

Representation Requirements

  • Primary application/vnd.adobe.gradient+json representation.

Example postLibraryElement Payload

Copied to your clipboard
2 "name": "my-cool-gradient",
3 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.element.gradient+dcx",
4 "client": {
5 "deviceId": "MY_COOL_DEVICE_ID",
6 "device": "MY_COOL_DEVICE",
7 "app": "MY_COOL_APP"
8 },
9 "representations": [
10 {
11 "id": "d8453c78-4dd4-44c0-ab18-0114e171aa84",
12 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.gradient+json",
13 "relationship": "primary",
14 "gradient#data": {
15 "type": "linear",
16 "angle": 0,
17 "stops": [
18 {
19 "color": [
20 {
21 "mode": "RGB",
22 "value": {
23 "r": 102.0,
24 "g": 238.0,
25 "b": 207.0
26 },
27 "type": "process",
28 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
29 },
30 {
31 "mode": "CMYK",
32 "value": {
33 "c": 48,
34 "m": 0.0,
35 "y": 30.0,
36 "k": 0.0
37 },
38 "type": "process",
39 "profileName": "U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2"
40 }
41 ],
42 "midpoint": 0,
43 "offset": 0
44 },
45 {
46 "color": [
47 {
48 "mode": "RGB",
49 "value": {
50 "r": 74.0,
51 "g": 96.0,
52 "b": 204.0
53 },
54 "type": "process",
55 "profileName": "sRGB IEC61966-2.1"
56 },
57 {
58 "mode": "CMYK",
59 "value": {
60 "c": 77,
61 "m": 67.0,
62 "y": 0.0,
63 "k": 0.0
64 },
65 "type": "process",
66 "profileName": "U.S. Web Coated (SWOP) v2"
67 }
68 ],
69 "midpoint": 0.5,
70 "offset": 1.0
71 }
72 ],
73 "opacities": [
74 {
75 "opacity": 1.0,
76 "midpoint": 0,
77 "offset": 0
78 },
79 {
80 "opacity": 1.0,
81 "midpoint": 0.5,
82 "offset": 1.0
83 }
84 ],
85 "interpolation": "linear"
86 }
87 }
88 ]

Character Style

Element Type



Represents a collection of styles that may be applied to characters within some text.

Allowed Representation Types


Every representation of type "application/vnd.adobe.characterstyle+json" should contain a property named "characterstyle#data". The value of characterstyle#data should be a dictionary containing at least one property. Each of these properties should represent a style.

There are three categories of styles: standard CSS styles, with the name in camelCase instead of kebab-case, e.g. "lineHeight" instead of "line-height"; internal styles that are valid across multiple adobe applications, the names of which will be in camelCase and prefixed with "adbe', e.g., "adbeFont"; and, internal styles only valid within a single application, which are typically prefixed with "adbe" followed by an abbreviation of the application name and then the style name, e.g., "adbeIlstOpenTypePosition" for a style only valid for Adobe Illustrator. Styles in this third category may change frequently depending on application-specific requirements.

For any style that may have an enumerated value, the value will just be a string, e.g., {"fontStyle": "italic"}. For any style that may require a list of items, the value should be represented as an array, e.g., {"fontFeatureSettings": ["aalt", "liga", "flac"]}. For any style that is measured with some css unit, the property value should be a dictionary containing a "type" and "value" property that separate these components, e.g., "56vm" would be represented as {"value": 56, "type": "vm"}. Additionally, most styles will have their own special requirements.

Due to the variety of constraints within each style, application-derived interrelationships between styles, and, the possibility that some will change over time in accordance with application-specific requirements, it may be helpful to try prototyping character styles within a Creative Cloud app first, before attempting to create them ex situ.

Some frequently used styles:

NameDescriptionSample Value
baselineShiftSame as baseline shift in Photoshop and Illustrator.{"value": 0, "type": "em"}
colorAn array of colors as in the application/vnd.adobe.color+json representation above, with the primary representation as the first element in the array.see documentation above
fontFamilyFont family. This is not used by Photoshop and Illustrator as more exact information is used to reliably determine the font."Helvetica"
fontFeatureSettingsAn array of Open Type features; c.f. [].
Illustrator supports: ornm, ordn, frac, titl, swsh, dlig, clig, liga, salt, sups, subs, c2sc, smcp
Photoshop supports: ordn, frac, titl, swsh, dlig, liga, salt, sups, subs, ornm, onum, smcp, clig
["liga", "ordn"]
fontSizeTODO: get clarification on this{"value": 20, "type": "pt"}
fontStyleTODO: get clarification on this"oblique"
fontWeightTODO: get clarification on this"bold"
letterSpacingCorresponds to tracking attribute in Illustrator and Photoshop.{"value": 1, "type": "em"}
lineHeightCorresponds to leading property in Illustrator and Photoshop.{"value": 21, "type": "px"}
textDecorationFollows the CSS definition of text-decoration; represented as an array of strings.
textTransformFollows the CSS definition of text-transform.["line-through", "underline"]
whiteSpaceUsed to correspond to the noBreak property in Photoshop and Illustrator. Only supports the value "nowrap", other values are ignored."nowrap"
adbeFontcontains a Font object (see below){ "family": "Helvetica Neue", "name": "Helvetica Neue Bold", "postScriptName": "HelveticaNeue-Bold", "style": "Bold" }


A character style may also be represented as an InDesign snippet.

Representation Requirements

  • A mandatory application/vnd.adobe.characterstyle+json representation, which may have the primary relationship, or the rendition relationship, in the case where an InDesign snippet is used as the primary.
  • Optionally, a primary representation of type application/vnd.adobe.indesign-idms, if the json representation is not primary.
  • A mandatory thumbnail rendition, e.g, of type "image/png".

Example postLibraryElement Payload

Copied to your clipboard
2 "name": "My character style",
3 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.element.characterstyle+dcx",
4 "client": {
5 "deviceId": "DEV_ID",
6 "device": "DEV",
7 "app": "APP"
8 },
9 "representations": [
10 {
11 "id": "76ab62cd-f0fd-4778-ae4f-ce7a2aa4d7d0",
12 "type": "application/vnd.adobe.characterstyle+json",
13 "relationship": "primary",
14 "is_full_size": false,
15 "is_external_link": false,
16 "preferredThumbnail": false,
17 "representation_order": 0,
18 "characterstyle#data": {
19 "color": [
20 {
21 "mode": "RGB",
22 "value": {
23 "r": 0,
24 "g": 0,
25 "b": 0
26 },
27 "type": "process"
28 }
29 ],
30 "adbeFont": {
31 "family": "Helvetica Neue",
32 "name": "HelveticaNeue",
33 "postScriptName": "HelveticaNeue",
34 "style": "Regular"
35 },
36 "fontFamily": "Helvetica Neue",
37 "fontSize": {
38 "type": "pt",
39 "value": 18
40 },
41 "adbeIlstAlignment": "StyleRunAlignmentType.ROMANBASELINE",
42 "adbeIlstBaselineDirection": "BaselineDirectionType.Standard",
43 "adbeIlstBaselinePosition": "FontBaselineOption.NORMALBASELINE",
44 "adbeIlstCapitalization": "FontCapsOption.NORMALCAPS",
45 "adbeIlstFigureStyle": "FigureStyleType.DEFAULTFIGURESTYLE",
46 "adbeIlstOpenTypePosition": "FontOpenTypePositionOption.OPENTYPEDEFAULT",
47 "adbeIlstWariChuJustification": "WariChuJustificationType.WARICHUAUTOJUSTIFY",
48 "adbeIlstAkiLeft": -1,
49 "adbeIlstAkiRight": -1,
50 "adbeAutoLeading": true,
51 "adbeIlstConnectionForms": false,
52 "adbeHorizontalScale": 100,
53 "lineHeight": {
54 "type": "pt",
55 "value": 21.6000003814697
56 },
57 "adbeIlstOverprintFill": false,
58 "adbeIlstOverprintStroke": false,
59 "adbeIlstProportionalMetrics": false,
60 "adbeIlstRotation": 0,
61 "adbeIlstTateChuYokoHorizontal": 0,
62 "adbeIlstTateChuYokoVertical": 0,
63 "fontFeatureSettings": ["clig", "liga"],
64 "adbeIlstTsume": 0,
65 "adbeVerticalScale": 100,
66 "adbeIlstWariChuCharactersAfterBreak": 2,
67 "adbeIlstWariChuCharactersBeforeBreak": 2,
68 "adbeIlstWariChuEnabled": false,
69 "adbeIlstWariChuLineGap": 0,
70 "adbeIlstWariChuLines": 2,
71 "adbeIlstWariChuScale": 50
72 }
73 },
74 {
75 "type": "image/png",
76 "relationship": "rendition",
77 "storage_href": "",
78 "content_length": 158356,
79 "etag": "\"9b4fb626b2ea694ceceda1b5caa7463c\"",
80 "md5": "m0+2JrLqaUzs7aG1yqdGPA==",
81 "version": "0"
82 }
83 ]

Paragraph Style

Element Type



Represents a collection of styles that may be applied to paragraphs.

Allowed Representation Types


This representation type is almost identical to application/vnd.adobe.characterstyle+json, except that the set of styles that are considered valid is a superset including all valid character styles alongside a set of styles that are only valid for paragraphs.

Some frequently used paragraph styles:

NameDescriptionSample Value
adbeParaAlignmentThe paragraph alignment. One of:

adbeLeftIndentThe width of the left indent.{"value": 20, "type": "pt"}
adbeFirstLineIndentThe amount to indent the first line.{"value": 20, "type": "pt"}
adbeRightIndentThe width of the right indent.{"value": 20, "type": "pt"}
adbeSpaceBeforeThe height of the paragraph space above.{"value": 20, "type": "pt"}
adbeSpaceAfterThe height of the paragraph space below.{"value": 20, "type": "pt"}
adbeMinimumWordSpacingThe minimum word spacing (in percent). A number between 0 and 1000 inclusive.50
adbeDesiredWordSpacingThe desired word spacing (in percent). A number between 0 and 1000 inclusive.50
adbeMaximumWordSpacingThe maximum word spacing (in percent). A number between 0 and 1000 inclusive.50
adbeMinimumLetterSpacingThe minimum letter spacing (in percent). A number between -100 and 500 inclusive.400
adbeDesiredLetterSpacingThe desired letter spacing (in percent). A number between -100 and 500 inclusive.400
adbeMaximumLetterSpacingThe minimum letter spacing (in percent). A number between -100 and 500 inclusive.400
adbeMinimumGlyphScalingThe minimum width of an individual character (in percent). A number between 50 and 200 inclusive.100
adbeDesiredGlyphScalingThe desired width of an individual character (in percent). A number between 50 and 200 inclusive.100
adbeMaximumGlyphScalingThe maximum width of an individual character (in percent). A number between 50 and 200 inclusive.50
adbeParaAutoLeadingThe percentage to use for auto leading. A number between 0 and 500 inclusive.100
adbeSingleWordJustificationThe alignment for lines of text in a paragraph that contain a single word. One of:


Representation Requirements

The requirements are identical to the character style element, except an application/vnd.adobe.paragraphstyle+json primary or rendition representation is expected instead of an application/vnd.adobe.characterstyle+json element:

  • A mandatory application/vnd.adobe.paragraphstyle+json representation, which may have the primary relationship, or the rendition relationship, in the case where an InDesign snippet is used as the primary.
  • Optionally, a primary representation of type application/vnd.adobe.indesign-idms, if the json representation is not primary.
  • A mandatory thumbnail rendition, e.g, of type "image/png".

Example postLibraryElement Payload

Copied to your clipboard
2 "adbeParaAlignment": "Alignment.CENTER_ALIGN",
3 "adbeLeftIndent": { "type": "pt", "value": 12 },
4 "adbeHyphenateWordsLongerThan": 10,
5 "adbeHyphenation": true