Asset Events Properties

This page describes the properties of an Asset Event. (To see a sample event, click here.)


xdmEntity object

The XDM Entity object, which contains a list of changed resources that represent the asset change.

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event:sequence number

A sequence number of the event that is unique within the current repository. It is used to detect out-of-sequence events.

event:resources object

An object containing all the Resource Change objects related to the event. Resource changes are identified by the link relation associated with the resource.

  • Note: There is always a Resource Change object for the Repository Metadata Resource, even if this resource was not affected by the action that triggered the event. This is because the Repository Metadata Resource is required to be embedded in the event.

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<link relation> object

The Resource Change object, which describes how a particular resource was affected by the action that triggered the event.

  • Note: The property will be the link relation associated with the resource (e.g.,

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event:action string

Specifies the type of change to the resource. Possible values are: created, updated, deleted and none. none is used, for example, to embed the Repository Metadata, when this resource was not affected by the action that triggered the event.

event:schema string

The URN of the XDM Schema of the embedded resource.

event:embedded object

The embedded JSON representation of the resource.

event:updated object

The updated properties of the embedded resource (if it has been updated), as well as the previous values of the properties.

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repo:path string

The previous path of the resource.

storage:region string

The previous storage region.