Setting up Marketo User Audit Data Stream with Adobe I/O Events

These instructions describe how to set up and get started using Adobe I/O Events for Marketo user-driven change events. You can use Adobe I/O for streaming Marketo user-driven change events such as the modification of emails, campaigns, and landing pages.


User Audit Data Stream provides all the user-driven change events that are shown in the MLM Audit Trail as an event stream to which you can subscribe.

Setup User Audit Data Stream in Marketo

Data Streams are available to those that have purchased a Marketo Engage Performance Tier Package. Once a Performance Tier agreement is in place, work with your TAM and Customer Engineering team to enable this Data Stream for your subscription.

We typically just need to know the MunchkinId for the subscription, and the associated Adobe OrgId, which enables access to the Adobe IO Developer Console.

Setup Adobe I/O

See Getting Started with Adobe I/O Events

For basic instructions for this use case, starting from

When prompted, click the designated button to proceed

  • Select Create new project

    Create new project

  • Select Add event

    Add event

  • Filter by Experience Cloud

  • Select Marketo User Audit Data Stream

    Provider selection

  • Subscribe to the user driven change events of your choosing

    Event selection

  • Set up OAuth Server-to-Server Credentials

    Set up credentials

  • Set up Event Registration

    Complete registration

    • Provide a name and description for this event subscription
    • Optionally choose whether to enable Webhook or Runtime action
      • Enable Webhook
        • We recommend batch over single webhooks
        • For Webhook URL a public https endpoint must be provided
        • The endpoint must be able to handle get and post requests
        • The get request must respond with the challenge query if it exists
        • The post request must respond that it received the message or the webhook will re-attempt to send several times before giving up and automatically disabling the webhook sends
      • Enable Runtime action
  • After Saving

    Verify setup

    • Verify that the Status is Active
    • If Webhook was selected, verify that it successfully passed the challenge without errors

Developer Guidelines

When setting up a project to subscribe to events, there are three ways to interact with those event subscriptions in order to receive the events. The first is Journaling, which provides a pull model in which events can be pulled via API and stores up to 7 days of past events. The second is Webhooks, which can be configured to send events either as single events or batched to a webhook endpoint in near real-time with the event occurrence. Third is Runtime, where you can set up your own custom function within Adobe that events will automatically run through near-real time.


Getting Started with Journaling

Important Takeaways:

  • Stores up to 7 days of history
  • Can be iterated through from any previous event within the history
  • Will still receive and store events even if webhook is failing
  • Useful for fetching events that were missed due to webhook issues or for a pulling mechanism instead of webhook push


Getting Started with Adobe I/O Events Webhooks

Webhook Endpoint Requirements:

  • Handle GET and POST requests
  • Respond with a 200-type response within a reasonable time period
  • Challenge Request
    • GET request with challenge query parameter
    • Must respond with value of challenge query parameter
  • Webhook Events
    • POST request with JSON data body with one or more events
    • Recommended to set up webhook as batch

Event Data Structure

Events are structured in JSON format using the CloudEvents spec

Example Event (batch)

Copied to your clipboard
"event_id": "cf904f43-56bc-4f80-935d-a484de6e4181",
"event": {
"body": {
"specversion": "1.0",
"type": "",
"source": "",
"time": "2024-07-11 13:20:42.755",
"datacontenttype": "application/json",
"dataschema": "V2.0",
"data": {
"componentId": 232459,
"componentType": "Email",
"eventAction": "approve",
"munchkinId": "123-ABC-456",
"imsOrgId": "<your_ims_org_id>@AdobeOrg",
"userId": ""
"recipient_client_id": "<your_client_id>"
"event_id": "e931c3ec-9d76-406b-ac89-626e9650813a",
"event": {
"body": {
"specversion": "1.0",
"type": "com.adobe.platform.marketo.audit.user.landingpage",
"source": "",
"time": "2024-07-11 13:20:42.755",
"datacontenttype": "application/json",
"dataschema": "V2.0",
"data": {
"componentId": 123321,
"componentType": "Landing Page",
"eventAction": "approve",
"munchkinId": "123-ABC-456",
"imsOrgId": "<your_ims_org_id>@AdobeOrg",
"userId": ""
"recipient_client_id": "<your_client_id>"

Example Event (single)

Copied to your clipboard
"event_id": "a9ef9c3c-bafe-48b8-9eae-bc63dfaed28c",
"event": {
"body": {
"specversion": "1.0",
"type": "",
"source": "",
"time": "2024-07-11 13:20:42.755",
"datacontenttype": "application/json",
"dataschema": "V2.0",
"data": {
"componentId": 232459,
"componentType": "Email",
"eventAction": "approve",
"munchkinId": "123-ABC-456",
"imsOrgId": "<your_ims_org_id>@AdobeOrg",
"userId": ""
"recipient_client_id": "<your_client_id>"

Data Field Definitions

Many of the fields are common across the different types of events. The object will contain the specific details of the event.

Unique UUID generated per event
CloudEvents version specification being used
Type of event used for event subscription routing
Context in which an event happened
String (DateTime)
Timestamp of the completion of the action
Content type of the data object
User Audit Data Stream event schema version
Event data object

The data object contains the following fields:

ID of the asset in Marketo
Type of the asset in Marketo
Asset action that occurred in Marketo
Internal Marketo subscription identifier
Internal Adobe organization identifier
Email ID of the user in Marketo who completed the action

Event List

Note - This is a snapshot listing of most available events. There may be some events that don't show up or no longer exist.

ComponentEvent Type List
Default Program
clone, create, delete, edit channel, export, modify program setup, modify program token, rename
approve, clone, create, delete, edit, move, rename, unapprove
Email Batch Program
approve, childUpdate, clone, create, delete, edit, edit channel, modify program schedule, modify program setup, modify program token, rename, unapprove
Email Template
approve, clone, create, delete, draftCreate, draftDiscard, edit, rename, unapprove
Engagement Program
clone, create, delete, edit channel, modify program setup, modify program stream, modify program token, rename
Event Program
clone, create, delete, edit channel, modify program schedule, modify program setup, modify program token, rename
create, delete, edit
approve, clone, create, delete, draftCreate, edit, move, rename
Landing Page
approve, clone, create, delete, draftDiscard, edit, move, rename, unapprove
Landing Page Template
approve, clone, create, delete, draftCreate, draftDiscard, edit, rename, unapprove
clone, create, delete, rename
Marketing Folder
create, delete, edit
Nurture Program
clone, create, delete, edit channel, modify program setup, modify program stream, modify program token, rename
create, delete, edit, rename
approve, create, delete, draftCreated, draftDiscarded, rename, unapprove
Smart Campaign
abort, activate, clone, create, deactivate, delete, edit, modify campaign schedule, modify flow step action, modify smart list setup, move, rename
Smart List
clone, create, delete, edit, export, modify smartlist setup, rename
approve, approve with no-draft, clone, create, delete, edit, rename, unapprove

The following events are related to access control and security:

ComponentEvent Type List
login success, login failure
create, delete, edit
create, delete, edit


Debug Tracing

Once you have successfully completed your setup and event subscription registration, events should start being stored in the journal. In addition, if you have webhooks or runtime set up, the events will go through those flows. From the project's page in the event registration details, you should see a tab for Debug Tracing. For webhooks, this will show a record of failed and successful challenge attempts as well as webhook attempts. Each request includes the request/response details to help debug.

There is also an Event Browser tab which lets you manually look at events in the Journal from the Developer Console UI