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Create Renditions

Renditions are different output versions of a document made for specific purposes; for example, a high-quality PDF for printing or a smaller JPG for sharing online.

Rendition settings

Renditions are created via the createRendition() method of the addOnUISdk.app.document object. The method accepts two parameters:

  1. renditionOptions: controls the page range that is meant to be exported and the file format (jpg, png, mp4 and pdf).
  2. renditionIntent constant (optional): controls the intent of the exported content (preview, export, print).

Export content

Usually, you create renditions to allow users to download or share your content in different formats. This is a multi-step process that involves:

  1. Creating a new rendition based on specific export configuration options via the createRendition() method of the addOnUISdk.app.document object.
  2. Converting the returned blob object into a URL via the URL.createObjectURL() method.
  3. Creating a download link for the user to download the rendition, e.g., using the URL string from the previous step as the href attribute of an <a> element.


In the following snippet, we create a rendition of the current page in PNG format when the user clicks a button. We'll create a temporary anchor element to trigger the download of the rendition.

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import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(async () => {
// Attach the rendition creation to a button click event
.addEventListener("click", async () => {
// Create a rendition of the current page
const rendition = await addOnUISdk.app.document.createRenditions(
// renditionOptions
range: addOnUISdk.constants.Range.currentPage,
format: addOnUISdk.constants.RenditionFormat.png,
// renditionIntent
console.log("Renditions created: ", rendition);
// [{
// type: "page",
// blob: { size: 16195, type: "image/png" },
// title: "",
// metadata: { ... },
// }];
// Convert the blob into a URL to be consumed by an anchor element
const downloadUrl = URL.createObjectURL(rendition[0].blob);
// Create a temp/disposable anchor element to trigger the download
const a = document.createElement("a");
a.href = downloadUrl; // Set the URL
a.download = "Preview_rendition.png"; // Set the desired file name
document.body.appendChild(a); // Add the anchor to the DOM
a.click(); // Trigger the download
document.body.removeChild(a); // Clean up
URL.revokeObjectURL(downloadUrl); // Release the object URL

There are multiple classes that inherit from the RenditionOptions class, such as JpgRenditionOptions, PngRenditionOptions, and PdfRenditionOptions. Each of these classes has specific properties that can be set to control the output of the rendition.

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const JpgRendition = await addOnUISdk.app.document.createRenditions(
// JpgRenditionOptions
range: addOnUISdk.constants.Range.currentPage,
format: addOnUISdk.constants.RenditionFormat.jpg,
// number in the range [0, 1]
quality: 0.41,
// no upscaling, result depends on the original image size/ratio
requestedSize: { width: 600, height: 600 },
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const pdfRendition = await addOnUISdk.app.document.createRenditions(
// PdfRenditionOptions
range: addOnUISdk.constants.Range.currentPage,
format: addOnUISdk.constants.RenditionFormat.pdn,
bleed: { amount: 5, unit: addOnUISdk.constants.BleedUnit.mm },
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"testId": "cbe48204-578d-47cc-9ad4-a9aaa81dc3d3",
"name": "Hello World", "version": "1.0.0", "manifestVersion": 2,
"requirements": {
"apps": [ { "name": "Express", "apiVersion": 1 } ],
"entryPoints": [
"type": "panel", "id": "panel1", "main": "index.html",
"documentSandbox": "sandbox/code.js",
"permissions": {
"sandbox": [
"allow-downloads" 👈 👀

Please also check out the export-sample add-on for a more detailed example.

The Preview intent

When the renditionIntent is set to RenditionIntent.preview, the output is created for preview purposes only. This means that the rendition is not meant to be downloaded or shared; for example, because the user is not on a paid Adobe Express plan and the design contains Premium content.

In this case, preview renditions are used either for processing purposes (e.g., if the add-on needs to perform data analysis on the design), or to be displayed in the add-on's panel or in a new window—making sure users cannot extract the content. Please see this page for more detail on handling such scenarios.

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"testId": "cbe48204-578d-47cc-9ad4-a9aaa81dc3d3",
"name": "Hello World", "version": "1.0.0", "manifestVersion": 2,
"requirements": {
"apps": [ { "name": "Express", "apiVersion": 1 } ],
"renditionPreview": true 👈 👀
"entryPoints": [
// ...
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