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Use Modal Dialogs

When you need to pop up a dialog to show a certain message, such as an informational, warning, or error message, you can use a modal dialog.

Below are some examples of the different types. Also, check out the SDK references for details on how to show or programmatically close a dialog, as well as the dialog add-on sample for more details.

Simple Modal Dialog

You can show a dialog with the addOnUISdk.app.showModalDialog() method, which accepts an options object containing the variant, title, description and, optionally, buttonLabels. The returned result object from a dialog will contain the buttonType clicked.


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import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(() => {
// Utility function to show a confirmation dialog
async function showConfirmDialog() {
try {
// Dialog Settings
const dialogOptions = {
// Available variants:
// confirmation, information, warning,
// destructive, error, input, custom
variant: "confirmation",
title: "Enable smart Filters",
description: "Smart filters are editable filters.",
// Available button labels: primary, secondary, cancel
buttonLabels: { primary: "Enable", cancel: "Cancel" },
// Show the dialog
const result = await addOnUISdk.app.showModalDialog(dialogOptions);
// Log the button type clicked, return either "primary" or "cancel"
console.log("Button type clicked " + result.buttonType);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error showing modal dialog:", error);
// Call the function to show the dialog

Input Modal Dialog

A dialog of variant input allows you to accept input from the user. The construction of the dialog is similar to the previous example, but with an additional field object that defines the input field and has a label, placeholder and fieldType properties. In addition to the buttonType, the fieldValue is returned in the result object of the addOnUISdk.app.showModalDialog() method.


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import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(() => {
// Utility function to show an input dialog
async function showInputDialog() {
try {
// Dialog Settings
const inputDialogOptions = {
variant: "input", // 👈
title: "Please enter your key",
description: "Your API key",
buttonLabels: { cancel: "Cancel" },
field: {
// 👈
label: "API Key",
placeholder: "Enter API key",
fieldType: "text",
// Show the dialog
const inputDialogResult = await addOnUISdk.app.showModalDialog(
if (inputDialogResultwi.buttonType === "primary") {
// returns the input the user entered if they didn't cancel
console.log("Field value", inputDialogResult.fieldValue); // 👈
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error showing modal dialog:", error);
// Call the function to show the dialog

Custom Dialog

If you need to show a dialog with custom content, you can use the custom variant. This allows you to define the content in a separate source file (e.g., a dialog.html) and specify the container's size and title.


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import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(() => {
// Utility function to show a custom dialog
async function showCustomDialog() {
try {
// Dialog Settings
const customDialogOptions = {
variant: "custom",
title: "Custom Modal",
src: "dialog.html", // use content from this html file
size: { width: 600, height: 400 },
// Show the dialog
const customDialogResult = await addOnUISdk.app.showModalDialog(
// Log the result object
console.log("Custom dialog result " + customDialogResult.result);
} catch (error) {
console.log("Error showing modal dialog:", error);
// Call the function to show the dialog

Inside the custom dialog's HTML file, you can use the addOnUISdk.instance.runtime.dialog object, especially its close() method, to programmatically close the dialog and set an optional return value.

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import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
// Wait for the SDK to be ready
await addOnUISdk.ready;
closeButton.onsubmit = () => {
// User canceled the operation, close the dialog with no result
createButton.onsubmit = () => {
// return an object, to be captured in the result object
selectedDesign: "grid-layout",

Use Cases

Modals are versatile tools suitable for a wide range of scenarios. They can display simple information or warning pop-ups when you need users to confirm an action or provide input. Additionally, modals can present more complex content, such as custom dialogs that initiate the payment process for accessing add-on's premium features.

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