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Use PDF and PowerPoint

Import PDF into the page

You can add PDFs to the page using the importPdf() method of the addOnUISdk.app.document object, which expects a Blob object as an argument and a MediaAttribute object with a title (mandatory) and author (optional) as the second.

PDF and PowerPoint imports will trigger a consent dialogue that asks the user to confirm the process; it's not possible to bypass it. As soon as the process starts, another dialogue will preview the PDF and track the operation progress.

PDF Import dialogue

Supported vector elements will be kept editable (e.g., shapes with rounded corners, text, etc.), and all pages will be imported.


Copied to your clipboard
import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(async () => {
try {
const pdfUrl = "https://url/to/your/file.pdf";
const pdf = await fetch(pdfUrl);
const pdfBlob = await pdf.blob();
await addOnUISdk.app.document.importPdf(
pdfBlob, // 👈 Blob object
title: "Official Launch Party",
author: "Adobe",
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to add the PDF", e);

Please note that you can use fetch() also to get PDFs that are local to the add-on; in this case, you can use paths relative to the add-on's root.

Copied to your clipboard
import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(async () => {
try {
// 👇 Local PDF
const pdfUrl = "./OfficialLaunchParty.pdf";
const pdf = await fetch(pdfUrl);
// ... same as before

Import PowerPoint into the page

For PowerPoint files, the process is similar to the one for PDFs, but you need to use the importPowerPoint() method instead. The method supports both .pptx and .ppt files, and shows the same consent and progress dialogues as seen above.

Copied to your clipboard
import addOnUISdk from "https://new.express.adobe.com/static/add-on-sdk/sdk.js";
addOnUISdk.ready.then(async () => {
try {
const powerPointUrl = "https://url/to/your/file.pptx";
// Or
// const powerPointUrl = "./OfficialLaunchParty.pptx";
const powerPoint = await fetch(powerPointUrl);
const powerPointBlob = await powerPoint.blob();
await addOnUISdk.app.document.importPowerPoint(
powerPointBlob, // 👈 Blob object
title: "Official Launch Party",
author: "Adobe",
} catch (e) {
console.error("Failed to add the PDF", e);
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