Generative AI Guidelines

This set of guidelines gives you the latest information on how to meet Adobe’s requirements around Generative AI.


Our Generative AI guidelines include:

  • Listing guidelines
  • Content generation guidelines, including disclaimer guidelines
  • Recommendations for add-ons using generative AI technology

We will edit and update this guide as our requirements and the technology evolve.


The rise of Generative AI offers potential benefits for add-ons, particularly in facilitating content creation and accelerating workflows. Adobe requires that users be able to choose whether they want to try add-ons that employ Generative AI technology. This means that add-ons must clearly state upfront when they use generative AI technologies.

We created these guidelines to assist any developers who wish to take advantage of Generative AI in their add-ons, to make sure they do so in accordance with Adobe standards.

We have split this section into: