
Behavior trigger event options.


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Number MOUSE_UP = 1836410230

Triggers the behavior when the mouse is released after a click.

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Number MOUSE_DOWN = 1835296118

Triggers the behavior when the mouse button is clicked (without being released).

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Number MOUSE_ENTER = 1835361654

Triggers the behavior when the mouse pointer enters the area defined by the bounding box of the object.

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Number MOUSE_EXIT = 1836606838

Triggers the behavior when the mouse pointer exits the area defined by the bounding box of the object.

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Number ON_FOCUS = 1868981622

Triggers the behavior when the object receives focus, either through a mouse action or by pressing the Tab key.

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Number ON_BLUR = 1868719478

Triggers the behavior when the focus moves to a different interactive object.

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