
Clipping path settings.


Read Only

String photoshopPathNames

A list of the clipping paths stored in the graphic.

Read Only

String alphaChannelPathNames

A list of the alpha channels stored in the graphic.

Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Mixed parent

The parent of the ClippingPathSettings (a Image, EPS, WMF, PICT, PDF or ImportedPage).

Read Only

Paths paths

A collection of paths.

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

ClippingPathType clippingType

The clipping path type.

Boolean invertPath

If true, inverts the clipping path.

Boolean includeInsideEdges

If true, creates interior clipping paths within the surrounding clipping path. Note: Valid only when clipping type is alpha channel or detect edges.

Boolean restrictToFrame

If true, truncates the clipping path at the edge of the frame containing the graphic. Note: Valid only when clipping type is alpha channel or detect edges.

Boolean useHighResolutionImage

If true, uses the high-resolution version of the graphic to create the clipping path. If false, calculates the clipping path based on screen-display resolution. Note: Valid only when clipping type is detect edges.

Number threshold

The lowest value (darkest) pixel to allow in the image. All pixels in the image whose values are greater than (lighter than) the threshold value are clipped (obscured). (Range: 0 to 255) Note: Valid only when clipping type is detect edges or alpha channel.

Number tolerance

Specifies how similar a pixel's intensity value can be to the threshold value before the pixel is obscured by the clipping path. (Range: 0 to 10) Note: Valid only when clipping type is detect edges or alpha channel.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any insetFrame

Shrinks the area enclosed by the clipping path by the specified amount. (Range depends on the unit. For points: -10000 to 10000; picas: -833p4 to 833p4; inches: -138.8889 to 138.8889; mm: -3527.778 to 3527.778; cm: -352.7778 to 352.7778; ciceros: -781c11.889 to 781c11.889)

String appliedPathName

The name of the Photoshop path or alpha channel to use as a clipping path.

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


PageItem convertToFrame()

Converts the clipping path to a frame.

String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the ClippingPathSettings.

ClippingPathSettings getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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