
The path on which to base the contour text wrap.


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Number BOUNDING_BOX = 1701732962

Sets the text wrap shape to the object's bounding box.

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Number PHOTOSHOP_PATH = 1886613620

Sets the text wrap shape to the specified Photoshop path. To specify the Photoshop path, see contour path name.

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Number DETECT_EDGES = 1685349735

Sets the text wrap shape to the edges of the image.

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Number ALPHA_CHANNEL = 1634756707

Sets the text wrap shape to the edges of the specified alpha channel. To specify the alpha channel, see contour path name.

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Number GRAPHIC_FRAME = 1701734246

Sets the text wrap shape to the wrapped object's graphics frame.

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Number SAME_AS_CLIPPING = 1935762288

Sets the text wrap shape to the clipping path (if any) defined in Photoshop. Note: A path cannot be specified using this enumeration. To set the text wrap shape to a specific path, use the photoshop path contour options type enumeration value.

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Number SELECT_SUBJECT = 1685087092

The Smart Text Wrap selects the key Subject in the content based on Adobe Sensei.

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