
General application preferences.


Read Only

Number mainMonitorPpi

The value of the system reported main monitor resolution

Read Only

Boolean applicationBarShown

If true, application bar is shown.

Read Only

Boolean useApplicationFrame

If true, application lives in a frame.

Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Application parent

The parent of the GeneralPreference (a Application).

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

ToolTipOptions toolTips

Tool tip behavior.

Boolean greekVectorGraphicsOnDrag

Controls whether or not to greek vector graphics when dragging at high quality.

Boolean showConveyor

Show the conveyor on content collector or content placer tool activation

Boolean createLinksOnContentPlace

Enable the creation of links on content place

Boolean mapStylesOnContentPlace

Enable the mapping of styles on content place

Boolean useCustomMonitorResolution

Enable the use of a custom monitor resolution in pixels per inch as opposed to querying the system settings

Number customMonitorPpi

When using a custom monitor resolution, what is the value of that resolution in pixels per inch

Number uiBrightnessPreference

Specify the Application User Interface brightness preference (from 0.0 to 1.0). To use color theme brightness preset values, specify 0.0 for Dark, 0.50 for Medium Dark, 0.51 for Medium Bright, and 1.0 for Bright. Any value between 0.0 and 1.0 will automatically be mapped to closest preset.

Number pasteboardColorPreference

Specify the Pasteboard color preference (0 or 1). Specify 0 to set preference to Default White, and 1 to set preference to Match with Theme Color.

Boolean showWhatsNewOnStartup

If true, show What's New dialog on startup.

Boolean autoAddSwatchToCCLibraries

If true, on creating new swatch through the new swatch dialog, it will be exported to CC Libraries as well

Boolean autoAddCharStyleToCCLibraries

If true, on creating new char style through the new char style dialog, it will be exported to CC Libraries as well

Boolean autoAddParaStyleToCCLibraries

If true, on creating new para style through the new para style dialog, it will be exported to CC Libraries as well

Boolean showStartWorkspace

If true, show start workspace when no documents are open

Boolean showStockPurchaseAdornment

If true, show stock cart adornment on unlicensed stock images

Boolean showContentGrabber

Controls whether or not the content grabber adornment is shown.

Boolean showLiveCorners

Controls whether or not the live corners grabber adornment is shown.

Boolean showMasterPageOverlay

Controls whether or not to show the master page overlay when a page is selected using the Page Tool.

Boolean objectsMoveWithPage

Controls whether page items move when a page is repositioned from the UI. The option/alt key temporarily reverses this property

Boolean preventSelectingLockedItems

Controls whether or not you can select and interact with a locked item. When this is off, only position is locked.

Boolean enableMultiTouchGestures

Controls whether or not multi-touch gestures are enabled.

ToolsPanelOptions toolsPanel

Controls the appearance of the Tools panel.

Boolean autoCollapseIconPanels

If true, panel drawers close automatically.

Boolean placeCursorUsesThumbnails

Controls whether or not to show thumbnails of imported files in the Place icon.

Boolean panelTabHeightPreference

If true, Large Tabs are shown for panels else Smaller tabs are shown

Boolean showLegacyNewDocumentDialog

If true, legacy new document dialog will be shown when Ctrl/Cmd + N are pressed.

Boolean autoShowHiddenPanels

If true, vertical reveal strips appear when palette UI is hidden.

Boolean openDocumentsAsTabs

If true, documents open as tabs.

Boolean enableFloatingWindowDocking

If true, floating windows can be docked by user as tabs.

Number openRecentLength

Number of items to show in the Open Recent menu list. Range: 0 to 30

Boolean showTransformationValues

Controls whether or not to dynamically display transformation information as part of the cursor while manipulating page items.

Boolean showAnchorObjectAdornment

Controls whether or not the anchor object adornment is shown.

Boolean highlightObjectUnderSelectionTool

Controls whether or not to highlight object under selection tool.

Boolean enableContentAwareFit

If true, enable content-aware fit as default while placing items

PreviewPagesOptions previewPages

The pages to create preview images for. Note: Valid when include preview is true.

File temporaryFolder

The location in which to store temporary files.

PageNumberingOptions pageNumbering

The page numbering method.

Number completeFontDownloadGlyphLimit

The threshold at which to trigger font subsetting based on the number of glyphs the font contains.

Boolean includePreview

If true, includes a preview in saved documents.

Boolean useIncomingSpotUponConflict

If true, use incoming spot color definition in case of conflict, when placing or pasting content

Boolean ungroupRemembersLayers

If true, objects after ungrouping go back to their original layers.

PreviewSizeOptions previewSize

The preview size. Note: Valid when include preview is true.

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the GeneralPreference.

GeneralPreference getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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