
Index options.


Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Mixed parent

The parent of the IndexOptions (a Document or Application).

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

String title

The title of the generated index.

ParagraphStyle titleStyle

The paragraph style applied to the title of the generated index. Can also accept: String.

Boolean replaceExistingIndex

If true, replaces the content of the existing index. Note: Replaces only index content; does not update the index location or other index properties that may have been changed.

Boolean includeBookDocuments

If true, includes topics and page references from all the documents in a book.

Boolean includeHiddenEntries

If true, includes topics and page references on hidden layers.

IndexFormat indexFormat

The format for level 2 and lower index topics.

Boolean includeSectionHeadings

If true, displays the letters of the alphabet as index section headings.

Boolean includeEmptyIndexSections

If true, displays headings for sections with no index topics. Note: Valid only when include section headings is true.

ParagraphStyle level1Style

The paragraph style applied to level 1 index topics.

ParagraphStyle level2Style

The paragraph style applied to level 2 index topics.

ParagraphStyle level3Style

The paragraph style applied to level 3 index topics.

ParagraphStyle level4Style

The paragraph style applied to level 4 index topics.

ParagraphStyle sectionHeadingStyle

The paragraph style applied to index section headings. Note: Valid when include section headings is true.

CharacterStyle pageNumberStyle

The character style applied to page numbers in the index.

CharacterStyle crossReferenceStyle

The character style applied to cross references.

CharacterStyle crossReferenceTopicStyle

The character style applied to cross reference topics.

String followingTopicSeparator

The character(s) inserted after each index topic.

String betweenEntriesSeparator

The character(s) inserted between index entries when runin-style index format is used for nested topics.

String pageRangeSeparator

The character(s) inserted between page numbers to indicate a page range.

String betweenPageNumbersSeparator

The character(s) inserted between separate page numbers, page numbers and page ranges, and series of page ranges.

String beforeCrossReferenceSeparator

The character(s) inserted at the start of cross references.

String entryEndSeparator

The character(s) inserted at the end of each index entry.

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the IndexOptions.

IndexOptions getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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