
Export options for the object


Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Mixed parent

The parent of the ObjectExportOption (a ObjectStyle, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Group, TextFrame or EndnoteTextFrame).

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

String epubType

The epub type as recommended by IDPF

SizeTypeEnum sizeType

size settings to be used for the object

String customSize

Custom size applied to the object

PreserveAppearanceFromLayoutEnum preserveAppearanceFromLayout

Preserve Appearance from Layout

SourceType altTextSourceType

The source type of alternate text

SourceType actualTextSourceType

The source type of actual text

String customAltText

The custom alternate text entered by the user

String customActualText

The custom actual text entered by the user

Mixed altMetadataProperty

The metadata property to use as source of alternate text. Can return: Ordered array containing namespacePrefix:String, propertyPath:String.

Mixed actualMetadataProperty

The metadata property to use as source of actual text. Can return: Ordered array containing namespacePrefix:String, propertyPath:String.

TagType applyTagType

The tag type of page item

ImageFormat imageConversionType

Allows user to select the image format for conversion

ImageResolution imageExportResolution

The export resolution

GIFOptionsPalette gifOptionsPalette

The color palette for GIF conversion. Note: Not valid when image conversion is JPEG.

Boolean gifOptionsInterlaced

If true, generates interlaced GIFs. Note: Not valid when image conversion is JPEG.

JPEGOptionsQuality jpegOptionsQuality

The quality of converted JPEG images. Note: Not valid when image conversion is GIF.

JPEGOptionsFormat jpegOptionsFormat

The formatting method for converted JPEG images. Note: Not valid when image conversion is GIF.

ImageAlignmentType imageAlignment

Alignment applied to images

Number imageSpaceBefore

Space Before applied to images

Number imageSpaceAfter

Space After applied to images

Boolean useImagePageBreak

If true, image page break settings will be used in objects

ImagePageBreakType imagePageBreak

Image page break settings to be used with objects

Boolean customLayout

If true, custom layout is enabled for object

CustomLayoutTypeEnum customLayoutType

Custom Layout settings to be used for object

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


String altText()

Provides the alternate text for the object

String actualText()

Provides the actual text for the object

String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the ObjectExportOption.

ObjectExportOption getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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