
A table row.


Read Only

String name

The name of the Row.

Read Only

Number index

The index of the Row within its containing object.

Read Only

Number rowSpan

The number of rows that the object spans.

Read Only

Number columnSpan

The number of columns that the object spans.

Read Only

Boolean overflows

If true, the story has overset text.

Read Only

Row parentRow

The parent row of the cell.

Read Only

Column parentColumn

The parent column of the cell.

Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Table parent

The parent of the Row (a Table).

Read Only

Cells cells

A collection of table cells.

Read Only

Rows rows

A collection of table rows.

Read Only

Columns columns

A collection of table columns.

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any height

The height of the Row. For a table or column, specifies the sum of the row heights.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any width

The width of the Row. For a table or row, specifies the sum of the column widths.

Mixed contents

The text contents. For rows or columns, when specified as a string, the sting populates each cell in the row or column; when specified as an array, the first value in the array populates the left-most cell in the row or the top-most cell in the column; the next value populates the next cell to the right (for rows) or the next lowest cell (for columns), and so on. Can return: PageItem, String, SpecialCharacters enumerator or Array of Strings, SpecialCharacters enumerators or PageItems. Can also accept: PageItem, NothingEnum enumerator or Array of Strings, SpecialCharacters enumerators, NothingEnum enumerators or PageItems.

Number gradientFillLength

The length (of a linear gradient) or radius (of a radial gradient) applied to the fill of the object.

Number gradientFillAngle

The angle of a linear gradient applied to the fill of the object. (Range: -180 to 180)

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any gradientFillStart

The starting point (in page coordinates) of a gradient applied to the fill of the Row, in the format [x, y].

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any topInset

The top inset of the cell. The API has been deprecated. Use TextTopInset or GraphicTopInset

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any leftInset

The left inset of the cell.The API has been deprecated. Use TextLeftInset or GraphicLeftInset

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any bottomInset

The bottom inset of the cell.The API has been deprecated. Use TextBottomInset or GraphicBottomInset

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any rightInset

The right inset of the cell.The API has been deprecated. Use TextLeftInset or GraphicRightInset

Swatch fillColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the fill of the object. Can also accept: String.

Number fillTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the fill of the object.

Boolean overprintFill

If true, the fill of the object will overprint.

Boolean topLeftDiagonalLine

If true, draws a diagonal line starting from the top left.

Boolean topRightDiagonalLine

If true, draws a diagonal line starting from the top right.

Boolean diagonalLineInFront

If true, draws the diagonal line in front of cell contents.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any diagonalLineStrokeWeight

The diagonal line stroke weight.

StrokeStyle diagonalLineStrokeType

The stroke type of the diagonal line(s). Can also accept: String.

Swatch diagonalLineStrokeColor

The diagonal line color, specified as a swatch.

Number diagonalLineStrokeTint

The diagonal line tint (as a percentage). (Range: 0 to 100)

Boolean diagonalLineStrokeOverprint

If true, the diagonal line stroke will overprint.

Swatch diagonalLineStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the diagonal line stroke. Note: Not valid when diagonal line stroke type is solid.

Number diagonalLineStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the diagonal line stroke gap color. Note: Not valid when diagonal line stroke type is solid.

Boolean diagonalLineStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the stroke gap of the diagonal line will overprint. Note: Not valid when diagonal line stroke type is solid.

Boolean clipContentToCell

If true, clips the cell's content to width and height of the cell. The API has been deprecated. Use ClipContentsToTextCell or ClipContentsToPageItemCell

FirstBaseline firstBaselineOffset

The distance between the baseline of the text and the top inset of the cell.

VerticalJustification verticalJustification

The vertical alignment of cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any paragraphSpacingLimit

The maximum space that can be added between paragraphs in a cell. Note: Valid only when vertical justification is justified.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any minimumFirstBaselineOffset

The space between the baseline of the text and the top inset of the frame or cell.

Number rotationAngle

The rotation angle (in degrees) of the cell, specified as one of the following values: 0, 90, 180, or 270.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any leftEdgeStrokeWeight

The stroke weight of the left edge border stroke.

StrokeStyle leftEdgeStrokeType

The stroke type of the left edge. Can also accept: String.

Swatch leftEdgeStrokeColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the left edge border stroke.

Number leftEdgeStrokeTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the left edge border stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)

Boolean leftEdgeStrokeOverprint

If true, the left edge border stroke will overprint.

Swatch leftEdgeStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the left edge border stroke. Note: Not valid when left edge stroke type is solid.

Number leftEdgeStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the left edge border stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Not valid when left edge stroke type is solid.

Boolean leftEdgeStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the gap color of the left edge border stroke will overprint. Note: Not valid when left edge stroke type is solid.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any topEdgeStrokeWeight

The stroke weight of the top edge border stroke.

StrokeStyle topEdgeStrokeType

The stroke type of the top edge. Can also accept: String.

Swatch topEdgeStrokeColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the top edge border stroke.

Number topEdgeStrokeTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the top edge border stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)

Boolean topEdgeStrokeOverprint

If true, the top edge border stroke will overprint.

Swatch topEdgeStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the top edge border stroke. Note: Not valid when top edge stroke type is solid.

Number topEdgeStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the top edge border stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Not valid when top edge stroke type is solid.

Boolean topEdgeStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the gap color of the top edge border stroke will overprint. Note: Not valid when top edge stroke type is solid.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any rightEdgeStrokeWeight

The stroke weight of the right edge border stroke.

StrokeStyle rightEdgeStrokeType

The stroke type of the right edge. Can also accept: String.

Swatch rightEdgeStrokeColor

The color, specified as a swatch, of the right edge border stroke.

Number rightEdgeStrokeTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the right edge border stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)

Boolean rightEdgeStrokeOverprint

If true, the right edge border stroke will overprint.

Swatch rightEdgeStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the right edge border stroke. Note: Not valid when right edge stroke type is solid.

Number rightEdgeStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the right edge border stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Not valid when right edge stroke type is solid.

Boolean rightEdgeStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the gap color of the right edge border stroke will overprint. Note: Not valid when right edge stroke type is solid.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any bottomEdgeStrokeWeight

The stroke weight of the bottom edge border stroke.

StrokeStyle bottomEdgeStrokeType

The stroke type of the bottom edge. Can also accept: String.

Swatch bottomEdgeStrokeColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the bottom edge border stroke.

Number bottomEdgeStrokeTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the bottom edge border stroke.

Boolean bottomEdgeStrokeOverprint

If true, the bottom edge border stroke will overprint.

Swatch bottomEdgeStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the bottom edge border stroke. Note: Not valid when bottom edge stroke type is solid.

Number bottomEdgeStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the bottom edge border stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Not valid when bottom edge stroke type is solid.

Boolean bottomEdgeStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the gap color of the bottom edge border stroke will overprint. Note: Not valid when bottom edge stroke type is solid.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any innerRowStrokeWeight

The stroke weight of the inner row border strokes.

StrokeStyle innerRowStrokeType

The stroke type of the inner row. Can also accept: String.

Swatch innerRowStrokeColor

The color, specified as a swatch, of the inner row border stroke.

Number innerRowStrokeTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the inner row border stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)

Boolean innerRowStrokeOverprint

If true, the inner row border stroke will overprint.

Swatch innerRowStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the inner row border stroke. Note: Not valid when inner row stroke type is solid.

Number innerRowStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the inner row border stroke. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Not valid when inner row stroke type is solid.

Boolean innerRowStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the gap color of the inner row border stroke will overprint. Note: Not valid when inner row stroke type is solid.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any innerColumnStrokeWeight

The stroke weight of the inner column border stroke.

StrokeStyle innerColumnStrokeType

The stroke type of the inner column. Can also accept: String.

Swatch innerColumnStrokeColor

The color, specified as a swatch, of the inner column border stroke.

Number innerColumnStrokeTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the inner column border stroke. (Range: 0 to 100)

Boolean innerColumnStrokeOverprint

If true, the inner column border stroke will overprint.

Swatch innerColumnStrokeGapColor

The swatch (color, gradient, tint, or mixed ink) applied to the gap of the inner column border stroke. Note: Not valid when inner column stroke type is solid.

Number innerColumnStrokeGapTint

The tint (as a percentage) of the inner column border stroke gap color. (Range: 0 to 100) Note: Not valid when inner column stroke type is solid.

Boolean innerColumnStrokeGapOverprint

If true, the gap color of the inner column border stroke will overprint. Note: Not valid when inner column stroke type is solid.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any minimumHeight

The minimum height of the cells in the Row. Note: When auto grow is true, cells can automatically grow larger than this amount when content is added. Also, the minimum height can affect redistribution.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any maximumHeight

The maximum height to which cells in the Row may grow. Note: The maximum height cannot be exceeded even when auto grow is set to true. Also, the maximum height can affect redistribution.

Boolean keepWithNextRow

If true, keeps the row with the next row when the table is split across text frames or pages.

StartParagraph startRow

Indicates where to start the row.

Boolean autoGrow

If true, the height of the cell or the cells in the Row can increase or decrease automatically to fit cell content. Note: Allows cells to grow or shrink to the maximum or minimum height, if specified.

RowTypes rowType

The row type.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any graphicLeftInset

The left inset of the graphic cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any graphicTopInset

The top inset of the graphic cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any graphicRightInset

The right inset of the graphic cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any graphicBottomInset

The bottom inset of the graphic cell.

Boolean clipContentToGraphicCell

If true, clips the graphic cell's content to width and height of the cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any textTopInset

The top inset of the text cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any textLeftInset

The left inset of the text cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any textBottomInset

The bottom inset of the text cell.

Measurement Unit (Number or String)=any textRightInset

The right inset of the text cell.

Boolean clipContentToTextCell

If true, clips the text cell's content to width and height of the cell.

HorizontalOrVertical writingDirection

The direction of the text in the cell.

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


PageItem createOutlines( Boolean deleteOriginal )

Converts text to outlines. Each line of text becomes a polygon object. When the converted text is a single letter that has no internal spaces or detached parts, the polygon contains only a single path. Note: To determine whether a font allows the creation of outlines, see allow outlines.


If true, deletes the original text. If false, creates the outlines as separate object(s) on top of the text. (Optional)


Recomposes the text in the Row.

Text findText( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds text that matches the find what value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text changeText( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text findGrep( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds text that matches the find what value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text changeGrep( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds text that matches the find what value and replaces the text with the change to value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text findGlyph( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds glyphs that match the find what value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text changeGlyph( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds glyphs that match the find what value and replaces the glyphs with the change to value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text findTransliterate( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds text that matches the find character type value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)

Text changeTransliterate( Boolean reverseOrder )

Finds text that matches the find character type value and replaces the text with the change character type value.


If true, returns the results in reverse order. (Optional)


Deletes the Row.

Cell merge( Mixed with )

Merges the cells.


The cell(s) to merge with. Can accept: Cell, Row or Column. (Optional)

Cell unmerge()

Unmerges all merged cells in the Row.

split( HorizontalOrVertical using )

Splits the cell along the specified axis.


The direction in which to split the cell.

redistribute( HorizontalOrVertical using, Mixed thru )

Redistributes the specified range of Rows so that the Rows have a uniform size. Note: The maximum or minimum height or width specified for some of the cells in the range may prevent them from being exactly even.


The direction in which to redistribute.
The last Row in the range. Can accept: Cell, Column or Row. (Optional)

select( SelectionOptions existingSelection )

Selects the object.


The selection status of the Row in relation to previously selected objects. (Optional)

String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the Row.

Row getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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