
Text wrap preferences.


Read Only

ContourOption contourOptions

The contour of the text wrap. Valid only when when text wrap type is contour.

Read Only

Boolean userModifiedWrap

If true, the text wrap path has been explicitly modified by the user.

Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Mixed parent

The parent of the TextWrapPreference (a PageItem, HtmlItem, FormField, SignatureField, TextBox, RadioButton, ListBox, ComboBox, CheckBox, MultiStateObject, Button, MediaItem, Sound, Movie, EPSText, SplineItem, Polygon, GraphicLine, Rectangle, Oval, Graphic, SVG, ImportedPage, PICT, WMF, PDF, EPS, Image, Group, TextFrame, EndnoteTextFrame, Application, Document or ObjectStyle).

Read Only

Preferences preferences

A collection of preferences objects.

Read Only

Paths paths

A collection of paths.

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

Mixed textWrapOffset

The minimum space between text and the edges of the wrapped object. The format for defining text wrap offset values depends on the text wrap type. If text wrap type is jump object text wrap, specify 2 values in the format [top, bottom]. If text wrap type is next column text wrap or contour, specify a single value. For bounding box text wrap, specify 4 values in the format in the format [top, left, bottom, right]. . Can return: Unit, Array of Units or NothingEnum enumerator.

Boolean inverse

If true, inverts the text wrap.

Boolean applyToMasterPageOnly

If true, text wraps on the master spread apply to that spread only, and not to any pages the master spread has been applied to.

TextWrapSideOptions textWrapSide

Text wrap side options.

TextWrapModes textWrapMode

The text wrap mode.

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the TextWrapPreference.

TextWrapPreference getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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