
XML export preferences.


Read Only

Boolean isValid

Returns true if the object specifier resolves to valid objects.

Read Only

Mixed parent

The parent of the XMLExportPreference (a Application or Document).

Read Only

Events events

A collection of events.

Read Only

EventListeners eventListeners

A collection of event listeners.

Boolean viewAfterExport

If true, displays exported XML content in a specified viewer.

Mixed preferredBrowser

The preferred browser for viewing XML. Can return: File or NothingEnum enumerator.

Boolean exportFromSelected

If true, exports XML content from the selected XML element. If false, exports the entire document.

XMLFileEncoding fileEncoding

The file encoding type for exporting XML content.

Boolean ruby

If true, includes Ruby text in the exported XML content.

Boolean excludeDtd

If true, excludes the DTD from the exported XML content.

Boolean copyOriginalImages

If true, copies original images to the images subfolder.

Boolean copyOptimizedImages

If true, copies optimized images to the images subfolder.

Boolean copyFormattedImages

If true, copies formatted images to the images subfolder.

ImageConversion imageConversion

The file format to use for converted images. Note: Valid only when copy optimized images and/or copy formatted images is true.

GIFOptionsPalette gifOptionsPalette

The color palette for GIF conversion. Note: Not valid when image conversion is JPEG.

Boolean gifOptionsInterlaced

If true, generates interlaced GIFs. Note: Not valid when image conversion is JPEG.

JPEGOptionsQuality jpegOptionsQuality

The quality of converted JPEG images. Note: Not valid when image conversion is GIF.

JPEGOptionsFormat jpegOptionsFormat

The formatting method for converted JPEG images. Note: Not valid when image conversion is GIF.

Boolean allowTransform

If true, transforms the XML using an XSLT file.

Mixed transformFilename

The name of the XSLT file. Note: Valid when allow transform is true. Can return: File or XMLTransformFile enumerator.

Boolean characterReferences

If true, replaces special characters with character references.

XMLExportUntaggedTablesFormat exportUntaggedTablesFormat

The export format for untagged tables in tagged stories.

Object properties

A property that allows setting of several properties at the same time.


String toSource()

Generates a string which, if executed, will return the XMLExportPreference.

XMLExportPreference getElements()

Resolves the object specifier, creating an array of object references.

String toSpecifier()

Retrieves the object specifier.

EventListener addEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Adds an event listener.


The event type.
The event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)

Boolean removeEventListener( String eventType, Mixed handler, Boolean captures )

Removes the event listener.


The registered event type.
The registered event handler. Can accept: File or JavaScript Function.
This parameter is obsolete. (Optional)
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