
As the first step, you need to prepare your script or plugin for sharing.


Preparing your scripts for sharing needs no additional steps. The .idjs file can be shared as it is with other developers and users.


UXP plugins are distributed in the form of a .ccx file. Under the hood, this is a zip file.

Packaging a plugin

Taking your plugin code and packaging it has never been easier.

Using the UXP Developer Tool, choose Package from the Actions menu (the ellipsis on the right side of the Developer Tool window, on the same line as your plugin name):

Package Menu

This shows a "Select target directory" dialog. Choose a directory where your built plugin .ccx file should reside.

After the .ccx file has been created, you should see this message at the bottom of the Developer Tool window:

Package Success

If instead, you see this:

Package Failed

Click on Details to view a window that shows why the packaging failed.

Once your .ccx file has been built, you should test it locally before doing anything else. To install a .ccx file into any Creative Cloud application, double-click it. This will open the Creative Cloud application, and you'll get a warning that your plugin hasn't been verified by Adobe:

Verify Failed

Since you wrote the plugin, it's probably safe to install. Click Install and you'll see another warning:

Install Warning

Since, in this case, you are the third-party developer, it's safe to click OK. Obviously, if someone else sends you a .ccx file and you get this dialog, you should make sure you trust the person who sent it.

Now that you have your plugin installed, test it again to make sure the packaged version performs correctly. Then move on to Options for Distribution to get your plugin out into the world.

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