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The Journeys APIs allow to manage capping and throttling configurations. They are accessible by an authorized technical account created through the Adobe Developer Console.
Learn more about the capping and throttling mechanisms in the following documentation: Journeys integration with external systems
Visualize API calls with Postman:
API paths:
Required headers:
Notes about configuration states and deployment status:
The current state of a capping or throttling configuration is either 'created', 'updated' or 'deployed'. Refer to the description and example below for GET /endpointConfigs/{uid} and PUT /endpointConfigs/{uid} operations.
In creation and update responses, a canDeploy JSON object indicates whether or not a configuration can be deployed. It may contain some errors and warnings. Refer to the description and example below for GET /endpointConfigs/canDeploy/{uid} operation.
Specific notes about throttling configurations:
You must provide all the following attributes when creating or updating a throttling configuration: 'maxThroughput', 'urlPattern' and 'methods'.
A throttling configuration must be defined on a production sandbox (given through x-sandbox-name header). It is applied at organization level.
Only one throttling configuration is currently allowed per organisation.
Create a capping configuration on a given endpoint identified by its URL. The endpoint can be used in one or more actions and data sources.
In the given payload, the capping configuration is defined by :
url : the URL of the endpoint, as defined in the actions or data sources.
methods : the methods called on this endpoint, as defined in the actions or data sources.
Within services JSON object, one of the two following values is expected :
(optional) maxHttpConnections: max count of simultaneous connections to the endpoint (max value is 400). If not provided, there will be no limitation of the number of connections to the endpoint.
Within rating JSON object :
In the response to this call, the created configuration is returned along with its uid (Unique ID) that is expected to be passed afterwards in the other calls.
OK: the operation was successful.
Internal Server Error: invalid values or missing elements in the given payload.
{- "methods": [
- "GET"
], - "services": {
- "dataSource": {
- "maxHttpConnections": 50,
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 500,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>"
{- "createdElement": {
- "methods": [
- "GET"
], - "services": {
- "dataSource": {
- "maxHttpConnections": 50,
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 500,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "metadata": {
- "createdBy": "<user name>",
- "createdById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastModifiedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastModifiedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "createdAt": "2020-03-09T18:21:52.432963Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-03-09T18:21:52.432963Z"
}, - "state": "created",
- "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>",
- "tenantId": "prod",
- "uid": "9e6bbdf4-8e40-4ac8-9e83-1e2cc7f0f1e7",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4",
- "authoringFormatVersion": "1.0",
- "hasBeenDeployed": false
}, - "uid": "9e6bbdf4-8e40-4ac8-9e83-1e2cc7f0f1e7",
- "uri": "/voyager/apis/endpointConfigs/9e6bbdf4-8e40-4ac8-9e83-1e2cc7f0f1e7",
- "resStatus": "created",
- "canDeploy": {
- "validationStatus": "ok"
Return the capping configuration identified by the given Unique ID. The latest definition is returned.
In addition to the data provided when creating or updating a configuration, the response essentially contains the following elements:
OK: the operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
{- "result": {
- "_id": "5fc2cbf1-3c31-4bb6-91ef-0ac9e277d3bc",
- "methods": [
- "POST",
- "PUT"
], - "services": {
- "action": {
- "maxHttpConnections": 15000,
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 2000,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "metadata": {
- "createdBy": "<user name>",
- "createdById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastModifiedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastModifiedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "createdAt": "2020-03-03T10:42:47.813552Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-03-13T17:24:11.765320Z"
}, - "state": "updated",
- "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>",
- "tenantId": "prod",
- "uid": "5fc2cbf1-3c31-4bb6-91ef-0ac9e277d3bc",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4",
- "authoringFormatVersion": "1.0",
- "hasBeenDeployed": false
Update the capping configuration identified by the given Unique ID. The operation is an overwrite of the existing configuration, therefore the request body must include all fields required to create a configuration.
A configuration can be updated at any time, even if it has been deployed. In such case, state is 'updated' and hasBeenDeployed is true. To apply the latest changes, the configuration must be deployed again. The deployedConfig object always defines the configuration which is currently deployed.
OK: operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
Internal Server Error: invalid values or missing elements in the given payload.
{- "methods": [
- "GET"
], - "services": {
- "dataSource": {
- "maxHttpConnections": 20000,
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 5000,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>"
{- "updatedElement": {
- "methods": [
- "GET"
], - "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>",
- "services": {
- "action": {
- "maxHttpConnections": 30000,
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 5000,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "uid": "9e6bbdf4-8e40-4ac8-9e83-1e2cc7f0f1e7",
- "metadata": {
- "createdBy": "<user name>",
- "createdById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastModifiedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastModifiedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "createdAt": "2020-03-09T18:21:52.432963Z",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2020-04-10T11:21:52.432963Z"
}, - "state": "updated",
- "hasBeenDeployed": false,
- "tenantId": "prod",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4"
}, - "uid": "9e6bbdf4-8e40-4ac8-9e83-1e2cc7f0f1e7",
- "uri": "/voyager/apis/endpointConfigs/9e6bbdf4-8e40-4ac8-9e83-1e2cc7f0f1e7",
- "resStatus": "updated",
- "canDeploy": {
- "validationStatus": "ok"
Delete the capping configuration identified by the given Unique ID.
In case the configuration has been deployed, it must be undeployed before being deleted. Otherwise an error response with HTTP Status Code 500 is returned :
"status": 500,
"error": {
"message": "Can't delete a deployed endpoint config. Undeploy it before deleting it",
"service": "vyg-authoring-api",
"version": "ce5cac3",
"context": "com.adobe.voyager.service.authoring.restapis.v1_0.EndpointConfigService:189"
"requestId": "pxSRgsBzUKYcMyNlqc0paqIJZfc0qdAw"
To override this control, you need to pass forceDelete=true as query parameter.
OK: the operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
Internal Server Error: invalid values or missing elements in the given payload.
{ }
Calling this operation is not mandatory for using any other operation of the capping API. It allows to verify whether or not a capping configuration can be deployed. It returns the validation status of the configuration identified by its Unique ID, either:
The potential errors are:
The potential warning is:
OK: the operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
{- "canDeploy": {
- "validationStatus": "error",
- "reason": "1 error is currently blocking the publication",
- "errors": [
- {
- "errorCode": "ERR_ENDPOINTCONFIG_101",
- "error": "capping config: malformed url"
], - "warnings": [
- {
- "warningCode": "ERR_ENDPOINTCONFIG_106",
- "warning": "capping config: max HTTP connections not defined: no limitation by default",
- "scope": {
- "endpointConfigService": "dataSource",
Deploy the capping configuration identified by the given Unique ID.
A successful deployment returns an empty response body and HTTP Status Code 204 (No-content). In such case, the configuration state is changed to 'deployed' and hasBeenDeployed is true.
No Content: the operation was successful.
Internal Server Error: the definition of given configuration definition was not valid.
Undeploy the capping configuration identified by the given Unique ID.
A successful undeployment returns an empty response body and HTTP Status Code 204 (No-content). In such case, the configuration state is changed back to the state before the deployment, either 'created' or 'updated', and hasBeenDeployed is changed to false.
No Content: the operation was successful or the given configuration was not deployed.
Return the list of all endpoint capping configurations defined for the given IMS organization and sandbox.
OK: the operation was successful.
{ }
{- "results": [
- {
- "uid": "57e39085-51c1-4f44-9f51-b56b0fa9cb81",
- "metadata": {
- "createdBy": "<user name>",
- "createdById": "<user adobeId>",
- "createdAt": "2019-10-21T08:23:44.273Z",
- "lastModifiedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastModifiedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2019-12-21T08:23:44.273Z",
- "lastDeployedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastDeployedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastDeployedAt": "2020-11-01T17:16:50.929405Z"
}, - "authoringFormatVersion": "1.0",
- "methods": [
- "PUT"
], - "hasBeenDeployed": true,
- "tenantId": "prod",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4",
- "_id": "57e39085-51c1-4f44-9f51-b56b0fa9cb81",
- "services": {
- "action": {
- "maxHttpConnections": 30000,
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 1500,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "state": "updated",
- "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>",
- "deployedConfig": {
- "_id": "57e39085-51c1-4f44-9f51-b56b0fa9cb81",
- "methods": [
- "PUT"
], - "tenantId": "prod",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4",
- "id": "57e39085-51c1-4f44-9f51-b56b0fa9cb81",
- "services": {
- "action": {
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 500,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>"
}, - {
- "uid": "fbc64b73-c66b-4e30-b3b1-b9d313bd7c4a",
- "metadata": {
- "createdBy": "<user name>",
- "createdById": "<user adobeId>",
- "createdAt": "2019-10-21T08:23:44.273Z",
- "lastModifiedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastModifiedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastModifiedAt": "2019-10-21T08:23:44.273Z",
- "lastDeployedBy": "<user name>",
- "lastDeployedById": "<user adobeId>",
- "lastDeployedAt": "2020-11-01T17:16:50.929405Z"
}, - "authoringFormatVersion": "1.0",
- "methods": [
- "GET"
], - "hasBeenDeployed": true,
- "tenantId": "prod",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4",
- "_id": "fbc64b73-c66b-4e30-b3b1-b9d313bd7c4a",
- "services": {
- "dataSource": {
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 3000,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "state": "deployed",
- "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>",
- "deployedConfig": {
- "_id": "fbc64b73-c66b-4e30-b3b1-b9d313bd7c4a",
- "methods": [
- "POST"
], - "tenantId": "prod",
- "sandboxName": "prod",
- "sandboxId": "37fc5780-e3de-11e9-a3bb-d7c554480df4",
- "uid": "fbc64b73-c66b-4e30-b3b1-b9d313bd7c4a",
- "services": {
- "dataSource": {
- "rating": {
- "maxCallsCount": 3000,
- "periodInMs": 1000
}, - "orgId": "<IMS Org Id>"
OK: the operation was successful.
{ }
{ }
OK: the operation was successful.
Internal Server Error: invalid values or missing elements in the given payload.
OK: the operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
{ }
OK: operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
Internal Server Error: invalid values or missing elements in the given payload.
OK: the operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
Internal Server Error: invalid values or missing elements in the given payload.
{ }
OK: the operation was successful.
Not Found: unknown given Unique ID.
{ }
No Content: the operation was successful.
Internal Server Error: the definition of given configuration definition was not valid.
No Content: the operation was successful or the given configuration was not deployed.