
Response class represents a resource request.

Since: v7.3.0

Response([body], [options])

string | Blob | ArrayBuffer | TypedArray | FormData | ReadableStream | URLSearchParams
Body of the response.
Custom settings that you want to apply to the response.
Status code of the response.
Status message associated with the status code. The default value is "".
Headers | string
Any headers that you want to add to the response.

body : ReadableStream

Read only ReadableStream object with the body contents or null if response's body is empty.

See: Response - body

bodyUsed : boolean

Read only Indicates whether the response body has been read yet.

See: Response - bodyUsed

headers : Headers

Read only Headers object associated with the response.

See: Response - headers

ok : boolean

Read only Indicates whether the response was successful (if status is in range 200-299) or not.

See: Response - ok

status : number

Read only HTTP status codes of the response.

See: Response - status

statusText : string

Read only Status message corresponding to the HTTP status code. Default is "".

See: Response - statusText

url : string

Read only URL of the response.

See: Response - url


Reads the response stream to completion and returns it as a Promise that resolves with an ArrayBuffer.

Returns: Promise<ArrayBuffer> Promise that resolves with an ArrayBuffer.
See: Response - arrayBuffer


Reads the response stream to completion and returns it as a Promise that resolves with a Blob.

Returns: Promise<Blob> Promise that resolves with a Blob.
See: Response - blob


Creates a copy of the current response object.

Returns: Response - Copy of the response.
See: Response - clone


Reads the response stream to completion and returns it as a Promise that resolves with a FormData.

Returns: Promise<FormData> Promise that resolves with a FormData.
See: Response - formData


Reads the response stream to completion and returns it as a Promise that resolves with the result of parsing the body text as JSON.

Returns: Promise<Object> Promise that resolves to JSON object.
See: Response - json


Reads the response stream to completion and returns it as a Promise that resolves with a String decoded using UTF-8.

Returns: Promise<string> Promise that resolves with a String.
See: Response - text


Returns: Response - Response object
See: Response - error

redirect(url, [status])

Returns: Response - Response object

  • RangeError If status is not one of 301, 302, 303, 307, 308.

See: Response - redirect

URL that the new response is to originate from.
Status code for the response. Possible values are 301, 302, 303, 307 and 308.