
[ This feature is behind a feature flag. You must turn on enableSWCSupport in the featureFlags section of plugin manifest to use the same ]

See: Web APIs - ShadowRoot
Since: v7.0.0

mode : Element

Read only Returns the mode of the ShadowRoot — either open or closed. This defines whether or not the shadow root's internal features are accessible from JavaScript.

See: ShadowRoot - mode

host : Element

Read only Returns a reference to the DOM element the ShadowRoot is attached to.

See: ShadowRoot - host

innerHTML : string

Returns a reference to the DOM tree inside the ShadowRoot

See: ShadowRoot - innerHTML

activeElement : Element

Read only Returns the element within the shadow tree that has focus

See: ShadowRoot - activeElement


Duplicate of the node on which this method was called. Its parameter controls if the subtree contained in a node is also cloned or not

See: ShadowRoot - cloneNode

Optional param to clone whole sub tree(True) or only node (False)
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