
Since: v7.2.0


This object is returned by various property accessor functions of the XMPMeta object, such as xmpmetaobj.getProperty. The read-only properties describe a metadata property.

locale : string

Read only The language of the property value. This value is set by calls to getLocalizedText(),which assigns the language of the selected alternative text item,if an appropriate item is found.

namespace : string

Read only The namespace of the property; See Schema namespace string constants.Typically used when browsing metadata with an XMPIterator object.

options : number

Read only A constant that describes the property type, 0 for a simple property.
XMPConst.PROP_IS_ARRAY - The property is an array (of type alt, bag, or seq).
XMPConst.PROP_IS_STRUCT - The property is a structure with nested fields.

path : number

Read only The property path, including the property name.For a simple property, the entire path is the property name.

value : string | number | boolean | XMPDateTime

Read only The value of the property, if any.Arrays and non-leaf levels of structures do not have values.


To get the Property Value as String

Returns: string - The value of the property as a string.