
Since: UXP v4.1

Renders a group of radio buttons horizontally or vertically (column layout), with an optional field label.

Radio groups



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<sp-label slot="label">Select a product:</sp-label>
<sp-radio value="ps">Adobe Photoshop</sp-radio>
<sp-radio value="xd">Adobe XD</sp-radio>


By default, radio groups are laid out horizontally. If you add the column attribute, the radio group will be laid out vertically.

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<sp-radio-group column>
<sp-radio value="ps">Adobe Photoshop</sp-radio>
<sp-radio value="xd">Adobe XD</sp-radio>

Responding to events

You can respond to changes in the radio group using the change event.

Copied to your clipboard
document.querySelector(".yourRadioGroup").addEventListener("change", evt => {
console.log(`Selected item: ${evt.target.value}`);
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