Getting Started with Adobe I/O Runtime

If you’ve read the introductory documentation, then you’re already familiar with the Runtime concept: an easy way to run code on demand on Adobe Experience Cloud and integrate with Adobe’s cloud services without the effort of managing servers and the expense of always-on computing resources.

If you're an existing Adobe enterprise customer, Runtime is available as a 6 month trial or to purchase. Please visit our getting access page for more details. Once you have access to Runtime, you can log into the Adobe I/O Console, create a new project, and add Runtime to that project. All actions you run on Runtime are executed within a namespace associated with a project. When you create your new project, you'll get an authorization key that you can use to create and manage your actions.

Once you have an authorization key and an integration with a namespace created, you’ll need to install the OpenWhisk CLI. Then, you can get started building applications on the system: