Adobe I/O Runtime API Reference

API endpoints

Adobe I/O Runtime supports the following API endpoints for interacting programmatically with the service.


  1. Unless otherwise noted, all parameters are required.
  2. For all the API calls on this page, the base URL is:

GET /runtime/admin/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}

Returns the details of the namespace associated with the specified organization and integration.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json

Successful operationExample value:

{ "name": "string", "auth": "string" } Model: NamespaceDTO { description: Namespace Details name string Namespace name auth string Auth associated with Namespace }|

POST /runtime/admin/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}

Creates a new namespace and returns the details of the newly created namespace. If namespace already exists it returns the details of the namespace.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: { "name": "string", "auth": "string" } Model: NamespaceDTO { description: Namespace Details name string Namespace name auth string Auth associated with Namespace }|

DELETE /runtime/admin/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}

Deletes the namespace associated with the specified organization and integration.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json | Code | Description | |---|---| | default | Successful operation |

GET /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/actions

Returns the list of actions associated with the specified organization and integration.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: [ { "name": "string", "code": "string", "namespace": "string", "version": "string", "params": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "annotations": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "limits": { "timeout": "string", "memory": "string", "logs": "string" }, "exec": { "kind": "string", "binary": false, "components": [ "string" ] }, "url": "string" } ] Model: [ActionDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action name string Action name code string Action code namespace string Action namespace version string Action version params [Action params KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] annotations [Action annotations KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] limits LimitsDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action Limits timeout string Action timeout memory string Action memory limit logs string Action logs } exec ExecDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action exec details kind string Action kind binary boolean default: false Is action binary components [ Action components in case of sequence string] } url string Action url }]|

POST /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/actions

Creates a new action.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
body (body)
Action form. Example value:

{ "name": "string", "code": "string", "namespace": "string", "version": "string", "params": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "annotations": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "limits": { "timeout": "string", "memory": "string", "logs": "string" }, "exec": { "kind": "string", "binary": false, "components": [ "string" ] }, "url": "string" }Parameter content type: application/json Model: [ActionDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action

name string Action name code string Action code namespace string Action namespace version string Action version params [Action params KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] annotations [Action annotations KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] limits LimitsDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action Limits timeout string Action timeout memory string Action memory limit logs string Action logs } exec ExecDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action exec details kind string Action kind binary boolean default: false Is action binary components [ Action components in case of sequence string] } url string Action url }]| |Authorization (string: header)|Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}| |X-Api-Key (string: header)|Api key|


Response content type: application/json | Code | Description | |---|---| | default | Successful operation |

GET /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/actions/{name}

Returns the details of an action.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
name (string: path)
Action name
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: { "name": "string", "namespace": "string", "activationId": "string", "annotations": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "duration": 0, "version": "string", "response": {} } Model: [ActionDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action name string Action name code string Action code namespace string Action namespace version string Action version params [Action params KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] annotations [Action annotations KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] limits LimitsDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action Limits timeout string Action timeout memory string Action memory limit logs string Action logs } exec ExecDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action exec details kind string Action kind binary boolean default: false Is action binary components [ Action components in case of sequence string] } url string Action url }]|

POST /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/actions/{name}

Executes an action.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
name (string: path)
Action name
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: { "name": "string", "code": "string", "namespace": "string", "version": "string", "params": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "annotations": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "limits": { "timeout": "string", "memory": "string", "logs": "string" }, "exec": { "kind": "string", "binary": false, "components": [ "string" ] }, "url": "string" } Model: [ActionResultDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action invocation result name string Action name code string Action code namespace string Action namespace version string Action version annotations [Action annotations KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] duration integer($int32) Duration version string Action Version response { description:
Action invocation response }|

PUT /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/actions/{name}

Updates an action.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
name (string: path)
Action name
body (body)
Action form. Example value:

{ "name": "string", "code": "string", "namespace": "string", "version": "string", "params": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "annotations": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "limits": { "timeout": "string", "memory": "string", "logs": "string" }, "exec": { "kind": "string", "binary": false, "components": [ "string" ] }, "url": "string" }Parameter content type: application/json Model: [ActionDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action name string Action name code string Action code namespace string Action namespace version string Action version params [Action params KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] annotations [Action annotations KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] limits LimitsDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action Limits timeout string Action timeout memory string Action memory limit logs string Action logs } exec ExecDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action exec details kind string Action kind binary boolean default: false Is action binary components [ Action components in case of sequence string] } url string Action url }]| |Authorization (string: header)|Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}| |X-Api-Key (string: header)|Api key|


Response content type: application/json | Code | Description | |---|---| | default | Successful operation |

DELETE /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/actions/{name}

Deletes an action.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
name (string: path)
Action name
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json | Code | Description | |---|---| | default | Successful operation |

GET /runtime/system/actions

Returns a list of built-in actions.


Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operationExample value: [ { "name": "string", "code": "string", "namespace": "string", "version": "string", "params": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "annotations": [ { "key": "string", "value": {} } ], "limits": { "timeout": "string", "memory": "string", "logs": "string" }, "exec": { "kind": "string", "binary": false, "components": [ "string" ] }, "url": "string" } ] Model: [ActionDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action name string Action name code string Action code namespace string Action namespace version string Action version params [Action params KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] annotations [Action annotations KeyValuePairDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action param key string Param Name value { description: Param value } }] limits LimitsDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action Limits timeout string Action timeout memory string Action memory limit logs string Action logs } exec ExecDTO { description: OpenWhisk Action exec details kind string Action kind binary boolean default: false Is action binary components [ Action components in case of sequence string] } url string Action url }]|

POST /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/handleEventRegistration

Registers an event registration and assigns a given action to the event.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
body (body)
Example value:

{ "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "client_id": "string", "type": "string", "integration_status": "string", "delivery_type": "string", "webhook_url": "string", "events_of_interest": [ { "event_code": "string", "provider": "string" } ], "runtime_action": "string", "registration_id": "string" }Parameter content type: application/json Model: EventDTO { description: Adobe I/O Event Details id string Event id name string Event name description string Event code Client id string Event namespace type string Event type integration_status string Event integration status delivery_type string Event delivery type webhook_url string Webhook url events_of_interest [ Events of interest to listen to EventsOfInterestDTO{ description: Events of interest event_code string Event code provider string Event provider }] runtime_action string Action to handle event registration_id string Event registration id }| |Authorization (string: header)|Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}| |X-Ams-Consumer-Id (string: header)|AMS consumer ID| |X-Ams-Application-Id (string: header)|AMS application ID| |X-Api-Key (string: header)|Api key|


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "client_id": "string", "type": "string", "integration_status": "string", "delivery_type": "string", "webhook_url": "string", "events_of_interest": [ { "event_code": "string", "provider": "string" } ], "runtime_action": "string", "registration_id": "string" } Model: EventDTO { description: Adobe I/O Event Details id string Event id name string Event name description string Event code Client id string Event namespace type string Event type integration_status string Event integration status delivery_type string Event delivery type webhook_url string Webhook url events_of_interest [ Events of interest to listen to EventsOfInterestDTO{ description: Events of interest event_code string Event code provider string Event provider }] runtime_action string Action to handle event registration_id string Event registration id }|

DELETE /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/handleEventDeletion/{clientId}/{registrationId}

Deletes an event registration.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
clientId (string: path)
IMS client ID
registrationId (string: path)
ID of registration
X-Ams-Consumer-Id (string: path)
AMS consumer ID
X-Ams-Application-Id (string: path)
AMS application ID
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json | Code | Description | |---|---| | default | Successful operation |

PUT /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/handleEventUpdate/{clientId}/{registrationId}

Updates an event registration.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
clientId (string: path)
IMS client ID
registrationId (string: path)
Registration ID
X-Ams-Consumer-Id (string: header)
AMS consumer ID
X-Ams-Application-Id (string: header)
AMS application ID
body (body)
Example value:

{ "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "client_id": "string", "type": "string", "integration_status": "string", "delivery_type": "string", "webhook_url": "string", "events_of_interest": [ { "event_code": "string", "provider": "string" } ], "runtime_action": "string", "registration_id": "string" }Parameter content type: application/json Model: EventDTO { description: Adobe I/O Event Details id string Event id name string Event name description string Event code Client id string Event namespace type string Event type integration_status string Event integration status delivery_type string Event delivery type webhook_url string Webhook url events_of_interest [ Events of interest to listen to EventsOfInterestDTO{ description: Events of interest event_code string Event code provider string Event provider }] runtime_action string Action to handle event registration_id string Event registration id }| |Authorization (string: header)|Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}| |X-Api-Key (string: header)|Api key|


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "client_id": "string", "type": "string", "integration_status": "string", "delivery_type": "string", "webhook_url": "string", "events_of_interest": [ { "event_code": "string", "provider": "string" } ], "runtime_action": "string", "registration_id": "string" } Model: EventDTO { description: Adobe I/O Event Details id string Event id name string Event name description string Event code Client id string Event namespace type string Event type integration_status string Event integration status delivery_type string Event delivery type webhook_url string Webhook url events_of_interest [ Events of interest to listen to EventsOfInterestDTO{ description: Events of interest event_code string Event code provider string Event provider }] runtime_action string Action to handle event registration_id string Event registration id }|

POST /runtime/namespaces/{orgId}/{intId}/handleEventStatus/{clientId}/{registrationId}/{status}

Updates the status of an event registration.


orgId (string: path)
Organization ID
intId (string: path)
Integration ID
clientId (string: path)
IMS client ID
registrationId (string: path)
ID of registration
status (string: path)
Status of the registration
X-Ams-Consumer-Id (string: path)
AMS consumer ID
X-Ams-Application-Id (string: path)
AMS application ID
Authorization (string: header)
Authorization token in format: Bearer {token}
X-Api-Key (string: header)
Api key


Response content type: application/json |Code|Description| |--- |--- | |200|Successful operation Example value: { "id": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "client_id": "string", "type": "string", "integration_status": "string", "delivery_type": "string", "webhook_url": "string", "events_of_interest": [ { "event_code": "string", "provider": "string" } ], "runtime_action": "string", "registration_id": "string" } Model: EventDTO { description: Adobe I/O Event Details id string Event id name string Event name description string Event code Client id string Event namespace type string Event type integration_status string Event integration status delivery_type string Event delivery type webhook_url string Webhook url events_of_interest [ Events of interest to listen to EventsOfInterestDTO{ description: Events of interest event_code string Event code provider string Event provider }] runtime_action string Action to handle event registration_id string Event registration id }|