1.4 Calculated Metrics API

Create, edit, or delete calculated metrics.


POST https://api.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=CalculatedMetrics.Get

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POST https://api.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=CalculatedMetrics.Delete

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Does not require a JSON request body. Response is an array of calculated metric functions.

POST https://api.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=CalculatedMetrics.GetFunctions

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"name":"Power operator",
"description":"Returns x raised to the y power",
"name":"Quadratic regression: Intercept",
"description":"Quadratic regression: Y = ( a + b X ) ^ 2, Returns a.",
  • "required": The parameters that are required to use the function in a calc metric definition and the order they must be in
  • "optional": Additional parameters that can be left out, but must still be included in the order shown


POST https://api.omniture.com/admin/1.4/rest/?method=CalculatedMetrics.Save

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  • "id": required for update, must be left out to create a new calc metric
  • "definition": required for creating, also required when updating the reportSuiteID
  • "reportSuiteID": required for creating, also required when updating the definition
  • "name": required for creating
  • "polarity": optional, one of "positive", "negative", defaults to "positive"
  • "type": optional, one of "number", "date", "currency", "percent", defaults to "number"
  • "precision": optional, an integer between 0 and 10, defaults to 0


May be any nested combination of the following. To see all the possible functions, call CalculatedMetrics.GetFunctions

  • "calculatedMetric": this is a wrapper around any piece of the calculated metric definition. The only reason to use this wrapper is to apply "segments" to all pieces inside the wrapper.
  • "function": specify a function to process. must be used with "parameters" which is a list of calculated metric pieces to use as parameters to the function
  • "metric": specify a metric to be used in a calculation. may be used with "allocation" and "segments"
  • "number": specify a value to be used in a calculation
  • "boolean": specify true or false, only used by a select few functions that have the parameter "ascending-sort" or "include-zeros"

Basic definition examples:

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"definition": {
"number": 100
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"definition": {
"metric": "pageviews"
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"definition": {
"metric": "revenue",
"allocation": "linear"
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"definition": {
"metric": "revenue",
"allocation": "linear",
"segments": [
"[segment ID]"
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"definition": {
"function": "divide",
"parameters": [
"metric": "revenue",
"allocation": "linear"
"number": 100

Advanced definition examples:

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"definition": {
"function": "if",
"parameters": [
"function": "gt",
"parameters": [
"metric": "pageviews"
"number": 1000
"metric": "pageviews"
"number": 1000
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"definition": {
"function": "negate",
"parameters": [
"function": "modulo",
"parameters": [
"metric": "pageviews"
"function": "abs",
"parameters": [
"function": "ceil",
"parameters": [
"function": "tan",
"parameters": [
"function": "lt",
"parameters": [
"metric": "pageviews"
"number": 1000
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"definition": {
"function": "row-max",
"parameters": [
"columns": [
"function": "row-sum",
"parameters": [
"columns": [
"metric": "pageviews"
"number": 1000
"metric": "pageviews"
"number": 1000
"boolean": true