Report Description JSON object reference

When using the Report.Queue method, a reportDescription JSON object is required. Use this page to understand how to formulate this JSON object to request the desired report.

Top level parameters

The following JSON object contains example values for most fields.

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"dateFrom": "YYYY-09-07",
"dateTo": "YYYY-09-28",
"dateGranularity": "day",
"source": "standard",
"elements": [
{"id": "page"}
"metrics": [
{"id": "pageviews"},
{"id": "visits"}
"locale": "en_US",
"sortBy": "visits",
"segments": [
"element": "page",
"selected": ["Home Page", "Shopping Cart"]
"anomalyDetection": false,
"currentData": false,
"elementDataEncoding": "utf8"
The report suite ID that you want to request data from. This is the only required field in the reportDescription object.
If requesting a report for a single period, the day/month/year that you want to run the report for. If you use this field, do not use dateFrom or dateTo. If all date fields are omitted, defaults to the current day. This field supports the following formats:
Use YYYY for the desired year.
Use YYYY-MM for the desired month.
Use YYYY-MM-DD for the desired day.
Real-Time Reports also support relative dates.
The starting date range. If you use this field, also include dateTo and do not use date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. The month and day designators can be omitted if you want a monthly or yearly report. Real-Time Reports also support relative dates.
The ending date range (inclusive). If you use this field, also include dateFrom and do not use date. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD. The month and day designators can be omitted if you want a monthly or yearly report. Real-Time Reports also support relative dates.
Specifies the date granularity used to display report data (trended reports). If this field is omitted, data is aggregated across the entire date range (ranked reports). Supported values include:
minute: Real-Time reports only. Displays report data by minute. Include an integer between 1 - 60 after a semicolon to increase the minute interval. For example, use minute:3 to aggregate data in 3-minute intervals.
hour: Displays report data by hour.
day: Displays report data by day.
week: Displays report data by week.
month: Displays report data by month.
quarter: Displays report data by quarter.
year: Displays report data by year.
The processing architecture that you want to request the report from. Defaults to standard. Valid values include:
standard: Returns a standard report.
realtime: Returns a Real-Time report.
warehouse: Returns a Data Warehouse report. See Data Warehouse reports for details.
An object array of the dimensions to include in the report. See Dimension reference for the full list of supported values and additional object parameters. If this field is omitted, no dimension is used and only reports on the specified metrics.
An array of the metrics to include in the report. See Metric reference for the full list of supported values. If this field is omitted, the report defaults to pageviews. If both elements and dateGranularity are set, only one metric can be used.
The language that you want the report in. Note that this field only affects translated dimension/metric labels, and does not affect dimension items. Defaults to en_US. Valid values for this field include: en_US (English), de_DE (German), es_ES (Spanish), fr_FR (French), jp_JP (Japanese), pt_BR (Portuguese), ko_KR (Korean), zh_CN (Simplified Chinese), and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese).
Used only when source is realtime. See Real-time reports for details.
If your report uses multiple metrics, you can use this property to sort by any metric include in the metrics field of your request. If this property is omitted when metrics contain multiple values, data is sorted by the first metric.
Defines one or more saved segments or an inline segment. See Segmentation reference.
Includes upper_bounds, lower_bounds, and forecast data in the response object. Not supported by ranked reports.
Include current data in the report.
Supported values include utf8 or base64.
utf8: Filters out invalid UTF-8 characters in the request and response.
base64: Treats the entire request, including element names, search/pathing filters, special keywords, and dates, as if they are base64 encoded.

Report type

Report types are determined by the parameters of the reportDescription object according to the following table:

Report TypeParameters
Overtime Report
No elements with a dateGranularity specified. Not supported by Report.Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Ranked Report
One or more elements with no dateGranularity specified. Not supported by Report.Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Trended Report
One or more elements with a dateGranularity specified. Not supported by Report.Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Pathing Report
Element in the pattern parameter. Not supported by Report.Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Fallout Report
Element in the checkpoint parameter. Not supported by Report.Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Summary Report
No reportSuiteID parameter, instead reportsuite is specified as a dimension and the selected parameter contains a list of report suite IDs. Not supported by Report.Run, use Report.Queue instead.
Real-Time Report
source parameter set to realtime. Use Report.Run.

The type derived is then returned in the result data as: ranked, trended, overtime, pathing, fallout, summary, or realtime.