Report description object examples

The following are some basic reportDescription JSON objects to help you get started creating the desired report.

Bare minimum request

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid"

Overtime report

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"dateGranularity": "hour"

Ranked report

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"elements": [
{"id": "page"}

Trended report

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"dateGranularity": "hour",
"elements": [

Pathing report - next page flow

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"metrics": [
"elements": [
"id": "page",
"top": "10",
"startingWith": "1",
"pattern": [

Pathing report - previous page flow

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"metrics": [
"elements" :[
"id": "page",
"pattern": [

Fallout report

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"reportDescription": {
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"metrics": [
{"id": "pageviews"}
"elements": [
"id": "page",
"checkpoints": [

Real-time report

Make sure that you configure real-time reports for the report suite.

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"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "revenue" }

Real-time report with sort options

Note that the sortMethod element contains a colon-delimited string with the desired sort options.

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"reportDescription": {
"source": "realtime",
"reportSuiteID": "examplersid",
"sortMethod": "mostPopular:.25:0:linear",
"metrics": [
{ "id": "pageviews" }

Summary report

Note that the reportSuiteID property is not included. Instead, reportsuite is listed as a dimension under elements with desired report suites in the selected property.

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"reportDescription": {
"date": "YYYY",
"metrics": [
"id": "pageviews",
"id": "revenue",
"elements": [
"id": "reportsuite",
"selected": [