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Code-based Experiences & Content Cards - API reference

This document lists the public APIs available in the Messaging extension for implementing code-based experiences and content cards.


The getPropositionsForSurfaces API retrieves the previously fetched propositions from the SDK's in-memory propositions cache for the provided surfaces. The completion handler is invoked with the decision propositions corresponding to the given surfaces or AEPError, if it occurs.

If a requested surface was not previously cached prior to calling getPropositionsForSurfaces (using the updatePropositionsForSurfaces API), no propositions will be returned for that surface.



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public static void getPropositionsForSurfaces(@NonNull final List<Surface> surfaces, @NonNull final AdobeCallback<Map<Surface, List<Proposition>>> callback)
  • surfaces is a list of surfaces for which propositions are requested.
  • callback call method is invoked with propositions map of type Map<Surface, List<Proposition>>. If the callback is an instance of AdobeCallbackWithError, and if the operation times out or an error occurs in retrieving propositions, the fail method is invoked with the appropriate AdobeError.



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val surface1 = Surface("myActivity#button")
val surface2 = Surface("myActivityAttributes")
val surfaces = listOf(surface1, surface2)
Messaging.getPropositionsForSurfaces(surfaces) {
it?.let { propositionsMap ->
if (propositionsMap.isNotEmpty()) {
// get the propositions for the given surfaces
propositionsMap[surface1]?.let {
// read surface1 propositions
propositionsMap[surface2]?.let {
// read surface2 propositions


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final Surface surface1 = new Surface("myActivity#button");
final Surface surface2 = new Surface("myActivityAttributes");
final List<Surface> surfaces = new ArrayList<>();
Messaging.getPropositionsForSurfaces(surfaces, new AdobeCallbackWithError<Map<Surface, List<Proposition>>>() {
public void fail(final AdobeError adobeError) {
// handle error
public void call(Map<Surface, List<Proposition>> propositionsMap) {
if (propositionsMap != null && !propositionsMap.isEmpty()) {
// get the propositions for the given surfaces
if (propositionsMap.contains(surface1)) {
final List<Proposition> propositions1 = propositionsMap.get(surface1)
// read surface1 propositions
if (propositionsMap.contains(surface2)) {
final List<Proposition> proposition2 = propositionsMap.get(surface2)
// read surface2 propositions


The updatePropositionsForSurfaces API dispatches an event for the Edge network extension to fetch personalization decisions from the AJO campaigns for the provided surfaces array. The returned decision propositions are cached in-memory by the Messaging extension.

To retrieve previously cached decision propositions, use getPropositionsForSurfaces API.



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public static void updatePropositionsForSurfaces(@NonNull final List<Surface> surfaces)
  • surfaces is a list of surfaces for which propositions need updating.



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val surface1 = Surface("myActivity#button")
val surface2 = Surface("myActivityAttributes")
val surfaces = listOf(surface1, surface2)


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final Surface surface1 = new Surface("myActivity#button");
final Surface surface2 = new Surface("myActivityAttributes");
final List<Surface> surfaces = new ArrayList<>();


The updatePropositionsForSurfaces API dispatches an event for the Edge network extension to fetch personalization decisions from the AJO campaigns for the provided surfaces array. The returned decision propositions are cached in-memory by the Messaging extension.

If provided, completion will be called on the Messaging extension's background thread once the response has been fully processed. true will be passed to the completion method if a network response was returned and successfully processed.

To retrieve previously cached decision propositions, use getPropositionsForSurfaces API.



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public static void updatePropositionsForSurfaces(@NonNull final List<Surface> surfaces, @Nullable final AdobeCallback<Boolean> callback)
  • surfaces is a list of surfaces for which propositions need updating.
  • callback call method is invoked with true if a network response was returned and successfully processed, false otherwise



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val surface1 = Surface("myActivity#button")
val surface2 = Surface("myActivityAttributes")
val surfaces = listOf(surface1, surface2)
Messaging.updatePropositionsForSurfaces(surfaces) { success ->
if (success) {
// handle success scenario
} else {
// handle error scenario


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final Surface surface1 = new Surface("myActivity#button");
final Surface surface2 = new Surface("myActivityAttributes");
final List<Surface> surfaces = new ArrayList<>();
Messaging.updatePropositionsForSurfaces(surfaces, success -> {
if (success) {
// handle success scenario
} else {
// handle error scenario
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