Code-based experiences & Content Cards implementation tutorial

This document describes how to fetch, display and track code-based experiences and content cards using the Adobe Journey Optimizer extension.


Integrate and register Messaging extension in your app.

Fetch and cache code-based experiences & content cards

To fetch the propositions for the surfaces configured in Adobe Journey Optimizer campaigns, call the updatePropositionsForSurfaces API . You should batch requesting multiple Surface URIs in a single API call when possible. The returned code-based experiences and content cards are cached in-memory by the Messaging extension and persists through the lifecycle of the app (i.e as long as the app is running). An example of the call is shown below:


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val surface1 = Surface("mainActivity#banner")
val surface2 = Surface("secondActivity#promotions")
val surfaces = listOf(surface1, surface2)
// fetch propositions from server and cache in-memory


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final Surface surface1 = new Surface("mainActivity#banner");
final Surface surface2 = new Surface("secondActivity#promotions");
final List<Surface> surfaces = new ArrayList<>();
// fetch propositions from server and cache in-memory

Retrieve cached propositions

To retrieve the previously fetched propositions from the in-memory cache, call the getPropositionsForSurfaces API with a list of required surface URIs and a completion handler. The completion handler will be invoked with a list of Proposition objects corresponding to the requested surfaces, or AEPError object if an error occurs.

The following example shows how to retrieve the content for the previously cached surfaces:


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val surface1 = Surface("mainActivity#banner")
val surface2 = Surface("secondActivity#promotions")
val surfaces = listOf(surface1, surface2)
Messaging.getPropositionsForSurfaces(surfaces) {
it?.let { propositionsMap ->
if (propositionsMap.isNotEmpty()) {
// get the propositions for the given surfaces
propositionsMap[surface1]?.let {
// read surface1 propositions
propositionsMap[surface2]?.let {
// read surface2 propositions


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final Surface surface1 = new Surface("mainActivity#banner");
final Surface surface2 = new Surface("secondActivity#promotions");
final List<Surface> surfaces = new ArrayList<>();
Messaging.getPropositionsForSurfaces(surfaces, new AdobeCallbackWithError<Map<Surface, List<Proposition>>>() {
public void fail(final AdobeError adobeError) {
// handle error
public void call(Map<Surface, List<Proposition>> propositionsMap) {
// get the content for the given surfaces
if (propositionsMap == null || propositionsMap.isEmpty()) {
// bail early if no propositions are found
// read surface1 propositions
List<Proposition> propositionsForSurface1 = propositionsMap.get(surface1);
// read surface2 propositions
List<Proposition> propositionsForSurface2 = propositionsMap.get(surface2);

Using the retrieved propositions

The Proposition object returned in the completion handler encapsulates the content specified for the corresponding surface, as well as information needed for tracking interactions with the content. Multiple Proposition objects can be returned for a single surface based on the number of campaigns configured for it in Adobe Journey Optimizer. The content can be accessed through the PropositionItem present inside the returned list of Proposition. The SchemaType of the PropositionItem indicates the type of content it contains and can be used to determine how to render or interpret the returned content. The PropositionItem class contains helper functions to access the different types of supported content.

The following example shows how to iterate through the propositions returned earlier and retrieve the HTML content and content cards. Please adapt the solution to suit the needs of your application and use the returned proposition content appropriately.


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// get the HTML propositions for surface1
// bail early if no propositions are found for surface1
if (propositionsForSurface1 == null || propositionsForSurface1.isEmpty()) return
val propositionItem1 = propositionsForSurface1.first().items[0]
if (propositionItem1.schema == SchemaType.HTML_CONTENT) {
// retrieve the HTML content
val htmlContent:String? = propositionItem1.htmlContent
// use retrieved html content
// get the content card propositions for surface2
// bail early if no propositions are found for surface2
if (propositionsForSurface2 == null || propositionsForSurface2.isEmpty()) return
val propositionItem2 = propositionsForSurface2.first().items[0]
if (propositionItem2.schema == SchemaType.CONTENT_CARD) {
// retrieve the HTML content
val contentCard: ContentCard? = propositionItem2.contentCardSchemaData?.contentCard
// use retrieved content card


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// get the propositions for surface1
if (propositionsForSurface1 == null || propositionsForSurface1.isEmpty()) {
// bail early if no propositions are found for surface1
final PropositionItem propositionItem1 = propositionsForSurface1.get(0).getItems().get(0);
if (propositionItem1.getSchema() == SchemaType.HTML_CONTENT) {
// retrieve the HTML content
final String htmlContent = propositionItem1.getHtmlContent();
// use retrieved html content
if (propositionsForSurface2 == null || propositionsForSurface2.isEmpty()) {
// bail early if no propositions are found for surface2
final PropositionItem propositionItem2 = propositionsForSurface2.get(0).getItems().get(0);
if (propositionItem2.getSchema() == SchemaType.CONTENT_CARD) {
// retrieve the content card
final ContentCardSchemaData contentCard = propositionItem2.getContentCardSchemaData();
if (contentCard != null) {
// use content from retrieved content card

Tracking interactions with code-based experiences

Since it's up to the app developer to render the content card UI, you must monitor the desired end user interactions and call the appropriate tracking APIs. To record an interaction with the code-based experience, call the track API provided in the PropositionItem class. The following code shows two examples of tracking: when the content is displayed to the user and when the user clicks on the content. These examples are for illustrating how to call the track API and not a recommendation on where it should be called. Please examine your app workflow to find the appropriate way to perform tracking.


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// Tracking display of PropositionItem
// use the same propositionItem object that was used to get the content in the previous section
// Tracking interaction with PropositionItem
// use the same propositionItem object that was used to get the content in the previous section
propositionItem1.track("click", MessagingEdgeEventType.INTERACT, null)


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// Tracking display of PropositionItem
// use the same propositionItem object that was used to get the content in the previous section
// Tracking interaction with PropositionItem
// use the same propositionItem object that was used to get the content in the previous section
propositionItem1.track("click", MessagingEdgeEventType.INTERACT, null);

Tracking items from embedded decisions

When Adobe Journey Optimizer campaigns are created with embedded decisions, the server can respond with one or more items based on the number of items requested in the decision. To track these embedded items, the Adobe Journey Optimizer campaign UI provides item._trackingToken attributes. When authoring the campaign's content, you would need to embed the provided token as an HTML data-attribute in case of HTML content or JSON attribute in case on JSON content. The following example campaign shows HTML content with embedded decision, where multiple paragraph tags containing image URLs can be returned.

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{{#each decisionPolicy.1234567.items as |item|}}
<ul id={{item._id}} data-item-token="{{item._trackingToken}}"><img src="{{item.heroimage1.sourceURL}}" alt="Winter Sale" width="80%" height="50%"></ul>

For the above example, the server can return a response with two decision items in the item data within a single PropositionItem

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<ul id="mockId1" data-item-token="mockToken1"><img src="https://image1.jpeg" alt="Winter Sale" width="80%" height="50%"></ul>
<ul id="mockId2" data-item-token="mockToken2"><img src="https://image2.jpeg" alt="Winter Sale" width="80%" height="50%"></ul>

Since the embedded items are located inside a single PropositionItem data, the app developer will need to extract the data-item-token when tracking the interactions with the item. The token, along with the other tracking information, will need to be passed to the track API provided by the Messaging SDK. If no tracking tokens are supplied, normal tracking events will be sent. If tracking tokens were used during authoring, it will be assumed that all the corresponding embedded items were displayed. The following code shows an example of calling the track API with tokens.


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// Tracking interaction with PropositionItem with tokens
// Extract the tokens from the PropositionItem item data
val tokenList = mutableListOf<String>()
tokenList += dataItemToken1
tokenList += dataItemToken2
propositionItem.track("click", MessagingEdgeEventType.INTERACT, tokenList)


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// Tracking interaction with PropositionItem with tokens
// Extract the tokens from the PropositionItem item data
final List<String> tokenList = new ArrayList<>();
propositionItem1.track("click", MessagingEdgeEventType.INTERACT, tokenList);

Tracking interactions with content cards

Since it's up to the app developer to render the content card UI, you must monitor the display and desired end user interactions and call the appropriate tracking APIs. To record a display or interaction with the content card, call the track API provided in the ContentCard class. The following code shows two examples of tracking: when the content card is displayed to the user and when the user clicks on the content card. These examples are for illustrating how to call the track API and not a recommendation on where it should be called. Please examine your app workflow to find the appropriate way to perform tracking.


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// Tracking display of ContentCard
// use the same contentCard object from the retrieve propositions section
contentCard.track(null, MessagingEdgeEventType.DISPLAY)
// Tracking interaction with ContentCard
// use the same contentCard object from the retrieve propositions section
contentCard.track("click", MessagingEdgeEventType.INTERACT)


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// Tracking display of ContentCard
// use the same contentCard from the retrieve propositions section
contentCard.track(null, MessagingEdgeEventType.DISPLAY);
// Tracking interaction with ContentCard
// use the same contentCard object from the retrieve propositions section
contentCard.track("click", MessagingEdgeEventType.INTERACT);