Listening to Content Card Events

This tutorial explains how to listen to content card events in your application.


The Messaging extension provides a way to listen to events from content cards displayed in your application. The following functions can be implemented in conformance with the ContentCardUIEventListener interface:

  • onDisplay
  • onDismiss
  • onInteract

Implement ContentCardUIEventListener

Complete the following steps to hear content card events:

  1. Implement the ContentCardUIEventListener interface in your class.
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class ContentCardCallback: ContentCardUIEventListener {
override fun onDisplay(aepUI: AepUI<*, *>) {
Log.d("ContentCardCallback", "onDisplay")
override fun onDismiss(aepUI: AepUI<*, *>) {
Log.d("ContentCardCallback", "onDismiss")
override fun onInteract(
aepUI: AepUI<*, *>,
interactionId: String?,
actionUrl: String?
): Boolean {
Log.d("ContentCardCallback", "onInteract $interactionId $actionUrl")
// If the url is handled here, return true
return false
  1. Pass the listener to the ContentCardEventObservers class when retrieving the card composable.
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private fun AepContentCardList(viewModel: AepContentCardViewModel) {
// Create the ContentCardUIEventListener
val contentCardCallback = ContentCardCallback()
// Collect the state from ViewModel
val aepUiList by viewModel.aepUIList.collectAsStateWithLifecycle()
// Create row with composables from AepUI instances
LazyRow {
items(aepUiList) { aepUI ->
when (aepUI) {
is SmallImageUI -> {
val state = aepUI.getState()
if (!state.dismissed) {
ui = aepUI,
style = smallImageCardStyleRow,
// provide the ContentCardUIEventListener as a parameter to the // ContentCardEventObserver
observer = ContentCardEventObserver(contentCardCallback)

Handling actionable URLs

The onInteract method provides an optional actionURL parameter associated with the interaction event. The return value of this method determines how the URL is handled.

  • Returns true if your application has successfully handled the URL. This indicates to the SDK that no further action is needed.

  • Returns false to allow the SDK to process the URL.

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override fun onInteract(
aepUI: AepUI<*, *>,
interactionId: String?,
actionUrl: String?
): Boolean {
actionUrl?.let {
// handle action url here
return true
return false