Listening to Content Card Events

This tutorial explains how to listen to content card events in your application.


The Messaging extension provides a way to listen to events from content cards displayed in your application. The following functions can be implemented in conformance with the ContentCardUIEventListening protocol:

  • onDisplay
  • onDismiss
  • onInteract

Implement ContentCardEventListening

Complete the following steps to listen to content card events:

  1. Conform to the ContentCardUIEventListening protocol in your class or struct and implement the desired methods.
  2. Pass the listener to the getContentCardsUI API.

Below is an example implementation of ContentCardEventListening:

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struct HomePage: View, ContentCardUIEventListening {
@State var savedCards : [ContentCardUI] = []
var body: some View {
ScrollView (.vertical) {
// Display the content cards here
.onAppear() {
let homePageSurface = Surface(path: "homepage")
// 2. Pass the listener to the getContentCardsUI API
AEPSwiftUI.getContentCardsUI(for: homePageSurface,
listener: self) { result in
switch result {
case .success(let cards):
savedCards = cards
case .failure(let error):
// handle error here
// Implement the ContentCardUIEventListening protocol methods
func onDisplay(_ card: ContentCardUI) {
// Handle the card display event
func onDismiss(_ card: ContentCardUI) {
// Handle the card dismiss event
func onInteract(_ card: ContentCardUI, _ interactionId: String, actionURL: URL?) -> Bool {
// Handle the card interaction event
return false

Handling actionable URLs

The onInteract method provides an optional actionURL parameter associated with the interaction event. The return value of this method determines how the URL is handled.

  • Returns true if your application has successfully handled the URL. This indicates to the SDK that no further action is needed.

  • Returns false to allow the SDK to process the URL.

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func onInteract(_ card: ContentCardUI, _ interactionId: String, actionURL: URL?) -> Bool {
guard let url = actionURL else { return false }
// Your application handles the actionable URL here
// Return true to indicate that the SDK need not process the URL
return true

Removing content cards on dismiss

To remove a content card from the UI when the user dismisses it, implement the onDismiss method:

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func onDismiss(_ card: ContentCardUI) {
savedCards.removeAll(where: { $ == })

This implementation ensures that the dismissed card is removed from the savedCards array, which should trigger a UI update if the array is used to populate your view.