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The AEPImage class is a fundamental UI component used to display images for content cards.

Images can be displayed from various sources (URL, bundle, or SF Symbols) and their appearance can be customized.

AEPImage conforms to ObservableObject, allowing it to be used reactively in SwiftUI views.

Image Sources

The AEPImage class supports multiple sources for displaying images, with built-in support for both light and dark mode variants.

Image sources are prioritized in the following order:

  • URL images
  • Bundled resource images
  • SF Symbol icons

Public properties

PropertyTypeDescriptionDefault Value
The content mode of the image.
A custom view modifier that can be applied to the text view for additional styling.
The name of the SF Symbol icon used in the image.
This applies only to images sourced from icons.
The font of the SF Symbol icon used in the image.
This applies only to images sourced from icons.
The color of the SF Symbol icon used in the image.
This applies only to images sourced from icons.


You can customize AEPImage properties when working with a template that includes an image. Here's an example:

Copied to your clipboard
class MyCustomizer: ContentCardCustomizing {
func customize(template: SmallImageTemplate) {
// Customize the image element
template.image.contentMode = .fill
template.image.modifier = AEPViewModifier(MyImageModifier())
// Customize the dismiss button
// dismiss buttons are images sourced from SF Symbols icons
template.dismissButton?.image.iconName = "xmark" // SF Symbol name
template.dismissButton?.image.iconColor = .primary
template.dismissButton?.image.iconFont = .system(size: 10)
struct MyImageModifier: ViewModifier {
func body(content: Content) -> some View {
.overlay(Circle().stroke(Color.red, lineWidth: 2))
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