Manual display and tracking of push notification

This document describes how to manually build, display and track push notifications from Adobe Journey Optimizer using the AEPMessaging extension. You should use the automatic display and tracking method unless you have a specific requirement to manually build, display, and track push notifications.


Integrate and register the Messaging extension in your app.

Sync the push token

To retrieve the push token from Firebase Messaging Service, please follow the tutorial within the Firebase documentation. Then use setPushIdentifier API to sync the device's push token with profile in Adobe Experience Platform.

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public class YourApp extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
FirebaseMessaging.getInstance().getToken().addOnCompleteListener(new OnCompleteListener<String>() {
public void onComplete(@NonNull Task<String> task) {
if (task.isSuccessful()) {
String token = task.getResult();

Building and displaying notification

  1. In onMessageReceived method of YourAppFirebaseMessagingService class, create a MessagingPushPayload object from the remoteMessage. MessagingPushPayload will unpack the remoteMessage and provide APIs for getting attributes used for creating the push notification.

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    MessagingPushPayload payload = new MessagingPushPayload(remoteMessage);
  2. Use the Public APIs of MessagingPushPayload to get the attributes required for creating the push notification.

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    // Following are a few examples of using the public APIs of MessagingPushPayload
    String title = payload.getTitle();
    String body = payload.getBody();
    int badgeCount = payload.getBadgeCount();
    int notificationPriority = payload.getNotificationPriority();
    String channelId = payload.getChannelId();
    String icon = payload.getIcon();
    String imageUrl = payload.getImageUrl();
  3. The intent which is created while building the notification needs to be updated with necessary Adobe information to track push notification interactions.

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    final Intent intent, // intent which will be used when user interacts with the notification.
    final String messageId, // which represents the id of the push notification
    final Map<String, String> data) // which represents the data part of the remoteMessage.
  4. Use NotificationManager to create and display the built notification.

Here is a sample code for creating a notification channel and building the notification.

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public class YourAppFirebaseMessagingService extends FirebaseMessagingService {
public void onMessageReceived(@NonNull RemoteMessage remoteMessage) {
// Create a MessagingPushPayload object from the remoteMessage
MessagingPushPayload payload = new MessagingPushPayload(remoteMessage);
// Write your code for creating or using an existing notification channel.
// Creating an intent and attaching tracking details to it.
Intent intent = new Intent(this, MainActivity.class);
Messaging.addPushTrackingDetails(intent, remoteMessage.getMessageId(), remoteMessage.getData());
// Write your code to create a pending intent
// Create a notification builder
NotificationCompat.Builder notificationBuilder = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID)
// Write your code to add custom buttons to notification, if neccessary.
// Write your code to download and attach media to notification, if neccessary.

Tracking push notification interactions

After the application is opened by the user by clicking on the push notification, use the handleNotificationResponse API to send the push notification interactions feedback to Platform.

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final Intent intent, // Intent which contains information related to messageId and data
final boolean applicationOpened, // whether application was opened or not
final String actionId) // actionId of the element which performed the custom action.

Sending push notification interaction feedback when application is opened without any custom action

Add the following code where you have access to intent after the user has interacted with the push notification:

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Messaging.handleNotificationResponse(intent, true, null);

Sending feedback when application is opened with a custom action

Similar to the example above, call the handleNotificationResponse API but this time with a custom action:

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Messaging.handleNotificationResponse(intent, true, <actionId>);

Sending feedback when application is not opened but a custom action is performed by the user

Add the following code where you have access to intent after the user has interacted with the push notification:

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Messaging.handleNotificationResponse(intent, false, <actionId>);

Here is a sample code for sending push notification interactions feedback to Platform.

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public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
final Intent intent = getIntent();
// use your unique way to determine isAppOpenFromPushInteraction
if (isAppOpenFromPushInteraction) {
// tracking application opened with no custom action
Messaging.handleNotificationResponse(intent, true, null);
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