Push Notification Payload Keys
This document outlines the various push notification payload keys used by the Adobe Journey Optimizer.
- Adobe Journey Optimizer uses data messages with custom key-value pairs to send push notifications to client apps.
- When using manual display and tracking, use the MessagingPushPayload class to extract the payload values.
Copied to your clipboard{"message":{"android":{"collapse_key": "new_message","priority": "HIGH","data":{"adb_title":"Game Request","adb_body":"Bob wants to play chess","adb_sound" : "somesound_res","adb_n_count" : "3","adb_n_priority" : "PRIORITY_LOW","adb_channel_id": "cid","adb_icon" : "notification_icon","adb_image": "www.imageUrl.com","adb_a_type": "DEEPLINK/WEBURL/OPENAPP","adb_uri" : "deeplinkurl/weburl","adb_act": "[{\"label\":\"deeplink\",\"uri\":\"notificationapp://\",\"type\":\"DEEPLINK\"},{\"label\":\"weburl\",\"uri\":\"https://www.yahoo.com\",\"type\":\"WEBURL\"}]","some_custom_data_key": "some data"}}}}
Key | Type | Description |
adb_title | String | The push notification's title. |
adb_body | String | The push notification's body. |
adb_sound | String | The push notification's sound. |
adb_n_count | String | The push notification badge count. |
adb_n_priority | String | The push notification's priority. For more information, please read the Firebase documentation |
adb_channel_id | String | The push notification's channel ID. |
adb_icon | String | The push notification's icon resource name. |
adb_image | String | The URL of the image to be displayed on the notification. |
adb_a_type | enum | An enum that determines what type of action will be performed when the notification is clicked. It can be one of the following values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , or OPENAPP . |
adb_uri | String | The URI used for deeplinking. The deeplink is used to open the appropriate webpage or app screen when the notification is clicked. |
adb_act | Array | An array that contains the action object(s). |
adb_act.label | String | The label for custom action button. |
adb_act.uri | String | The URI for custom action button. |
adb_act.type | enum | The action type for custom action button. It can be one of the following values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , OPENAPP . |
Copied to your clipboard{"aps":{"alert":{"title": "Hello from CJM","body": "Stay safe, wear a mask"},"sound": "dingDong","badge":2,"mutable-content":1,"category": "iosCategory","thread-id": "myGroup","content-available":1},"some_custom_data_key": "some data","adb_media": "www.imageUrl.com","adb_a_type": "DEEPLINK/WEBURL/OPENAPP","adb_uri": "deeplinkUrl/weburl",}
Key | Type | Description |
adb_media | String | The URL of the media. In this situation, media refers to either an image or a video. This URL can be used to download the rich media before showing the push notification. |
adb_uri | String | The URI used for deeplinking. The deeplink is used to open appropriate webpage or app screen when the notification is clicked. |
adb_a_type | enum | An enum that determines what type of action will be performed when the notification is selected. It can be one of the following string values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , OPENAPP . |
adb_act | Array | An array that contains the action object(s). |
adb_act.aid | String | The ID for the action object. |
adb_act.label | String | The name for the action object. |
adb_act.type | String | The type for the action object. It can be one of the following string values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , OPENAPP . |
- Adobe Journey Optimizer uses data messages with custom key-value pairs to send push notifications to client apps.
- When using manual display and tracking, use the MessagingPushPayload class to extract the payload values.
Copied to your clipboard{"message":{"android":{"collapse_key": "new_message","priority": "HIGH","data":{"adb_title":"Game Request","adb_body":"Bob wants to play chess","adb_sound" : "somesound_res","adb_n_count" : "3","adb_n_priority" : "PRIORITY_LOW","adb_channel_id": "cid","adb_icon" : "notification_icon","adb_image": "www.imageUrl.com","adb_a_type": "DEEPLINK/WEBURL/OPENAPP","adb_uri" : "deeplinkurl/weburl","adb_act": "[{\"label\":\"deeplink\",\"uri\":\"notificationapp://\",\"type\":\"DEEPLINK\"},{\"label\":\"weburl\",\"uri\":\"https://www.yahoo.com\",\"type\":\"WEBURL\"}]","some_custom_data_key": "some data"}}}}
Key | Type | Description |
adb_title | String | The push notification's title. |
adb_body | String | The push notification's body. |
adb_sound | String | The push notification's sound. |
adb_n_count | String | The push notification badge count. |
adb_n_priority | String | The push notification's priority. For more information, please read the Firebase documentation |
adb_channel_id | String | The push notification's channel ID. |
adb_icon | String | The push notification's icon resource name. |
adb_image | String | The URL of the image to be displayed on the notification. |
adb_a_type | enum | An enum that determines what type of action will be performed when the notification is clicked. It can be one of the following values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , or OPENAPP . |
adb_uri | String | The URI used for deeplinking. The deeplink is used to open the appropriate webpage or app screen when the notification is clicked. |
adb_act | Array | An array that contains the action object(s). |
adb_act.label | String | The label for custom action button. |
adb_act.uri | String | The URI for custom action button. |
adb_act.type | enum | The action type for custom action button. It can be one of the following values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , OPENAPP . |
Copied to your clipboard{"aps":{"alert":{"title": "Hello from CJM","body": "Stay safe, wear a mask"},"sound": "dingDong","badge":2,"mutable-content":1,"category": "iosCategory","thread-id": "myGroup","content-available":1},"some_custom_data_key": "some data","adb_media": "www.imageUrl.com","adb_a_type": "DEEPLINK/WEBURL/OPENAPP","adb_uri": "deeplinkUrl/weburl",}
Key | Type | Description |
adb_media | String | The URL of the media. In this situation, media refers to either an image or a video. This URL can be used to download the rich media before showing the push notification. |
adb_uri | String | The URI used for deeplinking. The deeplink is used to open appropriate webpage or app screen when the notification is clicked. |
adb_a_type | enum | An enum that determines what type of action will be performed when the notification is selected. It can be one of the following string values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , OPENAPP . |
adb_act | Array | An array that contains the action object(s). |
adb_act.aid | String | The ID for the action object. |
adb_act.label | String | The name for the action object. |
adb_act.type | String | The type for the action object. It can be one of the following string values: DEEPLINK , WEBURL , OPENAPP . |