Experience Data Model (XDM) Experience Events

The Adobe Experience Platform Edge extension can send events that follow a previously defined Experience Data Model (XDM) schema to Adobe Experience Edge Network. This extension automatically adds Identity information to each Experience event as described in this document.

Event structure

An XDM Experience event has the following structure:

The timestamp when the Experience Platform event is sent to the AEP Edge mobile extension.
Automatically added by the SDK.
Event ID
Unique event identifier.
Automatically added by the SDK.
Event type
The event type, for example commerce:orderDetails. Refer to xdm:eventType Known Values for more examples.
XDM data
Data following the XDM schema that is defined in the Schema Editor.
The JSON-formatted, free-form data that can be associated with an event.
Dataset ID
Using the AEP Edge extension, you can send data to multiple datasets based on your needs and configuration in Adobe Experience Platform. When sending an experience event and providing a dataset identifier, this identifier is used for redirecting the data to the specified AEP dataset instead of the default dataset set in the datastream configuration.


Here are the identity properties the AEP Edge mobile extension automatically adds to each Experience Event:

The Experience Cloud Identifier (ECID) that is generated by the Adobe Experiece Platform Mobile SDK is added to the Experience event's XDM IdentityMap .

Implementation Details

Implementation details are automatically collected by the Edge Network extension and are sent with every Experience Event. The implementation details format is defined in XDM.

The version string is a concatenation of the AEP Mobile Core extension version plus the Edge Network extension version. For example, 3.3.2+1.2.0.
The name is a unique URI identifier for the AEP Mobile SDK on each supported platform. For example, https://ns.adobe.com/experience/mobilesdk/ios for the Mobile SDK on iOS, or https://ns.adobe.com/experience/mobilesdk/android/reactnative for the Mobile SDK on Android using the React Native wrapper.
For a mobile application the environment is always app.

If you would like to include this information in your dataset, add the "Implementation Details" field group to the schema tied to your dataset.