Getting started with Adobe Experience Platform

This tutorial illustrates how you may send Experience Data Model (XDM) commerce events to Adobe Experience Platform via Experience Edge using the AEP Edge extension in a sample application, provided to you in iOS (Swift) and Android.

The demo mobile application has multiple tabs. For this exercise, the Edge and Assurance tabs will be used, demonstrating XDM commerce events in a mobile application.

Prerequisites for this tutorial

  • Access to Adobe Experience Platform
  • Access to Data Collection UI dashboard
  • Access to Adobe Experience Platform Assurance
  • Minimal Swift/Android development knowledge
  • General knowledge about the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDKs

Initialize Adobe Experience Platform for data collection

To start collecting data in Adobe Experience Platform, you need to create an XDM schema and a dataset. Follow these steps to get started:

  1. In the browser, navigate to Adobe Experience Platform and login with your credentials.
  2. Create an XDM Schema as follows:
    • From the left panel, select Schemas
    • Select Create schema
    • Select XDM Experience event
    • Add the following existing field groups:
      • Environment Details
      • Commerce Details
    • Set a name for this schema and click Save.

xdm schema example

Note: Please note that the selected sandbox is Prod.

  1. Create a dataset from the schema as follows:
    • From the left panel, select Datasets
    • Select Create dataset from schema
    • Select the schema you previously created
    • Select Next
    • Set a name for this dataset and select Finish.

Generate a Datastream identifier

The SDK requires a configuration identifier that ensures the implementation matches the server-side Datastream configuration and data is routed/received to/from the correct destination.

To create a configuration identifier use the following steps:

  1. If your organization is enabled for multiple sandboxes, in Adobe Experience Platform Data Collection UI first select the sandbox from the top right corner. For more details about sandboxes, please read the sandboxes overview.
  2. From the left panel select Datastreams, then select New Datastream.
  3. Provide a name and description, select Save and then proceed to next step to set up the services.

create datastream

  1. To send events to Adobe Experience Platform, enable the Adobe Experience Platform section as shown below:

enable datastreams

Configure the tags property

As a prerequisite, the Adobe Experience Platform Edge extension requires the successful implementation of the Adobe Experience Platform Mobile SDK - Mobile Core.

Experience Edge extension relies on the Mobile Core for the transmission of events, managing identity (ECID), and triggering client-side rules based on XDM.

  1. First, follow the steps in the set up a mobile property tutorial in the Data Collection UI.
  2. Install the Adobe Experience Platform Edge extension from the Catalog.
  3. In the configuration view, from Edge Configuration section select the Datastream configuration you created in the Generate a Datastream identifier step and click Save.
  4. Install the AEP Assurance extension from the Catalog.
  5. Go to the Publishing Flow menu, select the development library you created and click Add All Changed Resources.
  6. Click Save & Build for Development to publish the changes in the Development environment.

Download the sample application and the AEP mobile extensions


Download the iOS Swift Sample application from GitHub - beta-assignment-1, then follow the steps described in AEP SDK Sample App Swift - Installation.

  • Navigate to the Swift directory, and run the following command from terminal: pod install.
  • Open the Xcode workspace by running the command open AEPSampleApp.xcworkspace.
  • Run the AEPSampleApp target on the simulator of your choice.

Set up the configuration

In the Data Collection UI, go to the Environments tab in the previously created mobile property created in the previous step and select the Development icon ( img ). Find the Environment File ID at the top and copy it.

Set the LAUNCH_ENVIRONMENT_FILE_ID to the copied Environment File ID in the MainApp (Android) / AppDelegate (iOS) class.

Use the sample application

Adobe Experience Platform Edge extension and XDM objects

This application uses the Adobe Experience Platform Edge extension for sending XDM formatted data to the Adobe Experience Edge Network and so to Adobe Experience Platform. The XDM data is modelled based on the XDM Schemas you have configured in Adobe Experience Platform.

The sample app includes automatically generated source classes for the XDM Objects that define the commerce field group configured in the previous step. To explore these, check the MobileSDKCommerceSchema class and its usages in EdgeViewController.swift (iOS) / (Android).

Commerce events

In the sample app, click on the Edge tab that demonstrates the Commerce field group usage. In the XDM Commerce Example section there are two buttons:

  • Add to cart
  • Purchase

When the Purchase button is clicked, a new XDM Commerce Purchase Experience Event is created and sent to the Adobe Experience Edge Network.

Copied to your clipboard
"events": [
"xdm": {
"_id": "F6BB7EE3-C411-4597-A97F-36A49035DCED",
"eventType": "commerce.purchases",
"timestamp": "2020-10-09T00:18:18Z",
"productListItems": [
"quantity": 1,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"priceTotal": 34.76,
"SKU": "SHOES123",
"name": "Shoes"
"quantity": 2,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"priceTotal": 30.6,
"SKU": "HAT567",
"name": "Hat"
"commerce": {
"order": {
"priceTotal": 65.36,
"currencyCode": "USD",
"payments": [
"paymentAmount": 65.36,
"paymentType": "Credit card"
"purchases": {
"value": 1

Using Adobe Experience Platform Assurance

AEP Assurance (formerly known as Project Griffon) is a product from Adobe that lets you inspect, validate, and debug data collection and experiences for your mobile application. The demo app is set up to use the AEP Assurance mobile extension, which allows you to view the events being sent through the AEP Mobile SDK.

  1. Visit and login with your Adobe credentials.

  2. Create a new Session:

    • Select Create Session in the top right.
    • In the Create New Session dialog, review the instructions, and then select Start.
    • When asked for the Base URL, enter sampleapp:// , then click Next.
  3. After starting an Assurance session, click on the the Session Details button on the right corner of the Assurance page and copy the session link.

    If you are using a real device, you can also use the Scan QR Code functionality. You can then skip to step 6.

    commerces session details

  4. Go to the sample application that is installed on your device, and click on the Assurance tab.

  5. Paste the Assurance Session URL that you copied from Assurance, and click Connect.

    commerce assurance login

  6. Enter the PIN from Assurance and click Connect.

    commerce assurance connection

  7. Once connected to Assurance, you will see a Platform icon in red color on the top right corner of the app view. The color of the Platform icon becomes gray if the connectivity to Assurance server is lost for any reason. In this case, you want to reconnect to continue to see the session in the UI.

  8. In the Assurance session, you should now start seeing events populating the Events List. When clicking the Purchase button from the Edge tab, you should see the Experience events sent to Experience Edge. For more details, refer to Event types handled by the AEP Mobile extension.

    To check the XDM Experience event was successfully validated, check that the validation for the given event was successful message is present in the service com.adobe.streaming.validation event.

Queries in Adobe Experience Platform

After using the sample demo application to view products and checkout items in a cart, the XDM Experience Events containing the commerce data are sent to Adobe Experience Platform through Experience Edge.

Query the dataset which stores the commerce data by doing the following:

  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform using your Adobe credentials.

  2. Select your Adobe Experience Cloud Organization to the organization ID used to configure the demo application.

  3. On the navigation panel, under Data Management, select Datasets and select the dataset you created at the beginning of this tutorial. From the right panel, copy the Table name value.

  4. From the left panel, select Queries.

  5. Select the Overview tab, then select Create query.

  6. In the text box, enter a SQL query against your dataset table.

    Copied to your clipboard
    SELECT * FROM paste_your_table_name_here WHERE eventType = 'commerce.purchases' LIMIT 10
  7. Select the "Play" icon to run the query. The results will appear in the Results tab at the bottom.

Implement Add to cart XDM events

For this exercise, implement the "Add to cart functionality" in the sample application. Navigate to EdgeViewController.swift (iOS) / and implement the sendAddToCartXDMEvent function. The recommended eventType is commerce.productListAdds.

Next steps

If you would like to explore other XDM schemas for your mobile use-case, find more details in the Adobe Experience Platform - Experience Edge page.

To learn more about Experience Data Model (XDM), schemas, datasets, and field groups, read XDM System overview.

Other tutorials

Sample XDM implementation

To see a sample XDM implementation, please read the sample XDM Implementation tutorial.

Rules and XDM events

To learn more about the rules used for XDM events, please read the rules and XDM events tutorial.

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