order mass action
The order mass action
extension point customizes order grid mass actions in the Adobe Commerce Admin.
Example customization
The following example creates mass actions labeled First App Mass Action
and Another Mass Action
. The extensionId
value matches the ID specified at app registration.
The path
parameter specifies where to redirect an action. The Admin UI SDK provides the selected product IDs in a sharedContext
when a merchant selects a mass action. Your implementation must read the selected items from the sharedContext
Copied to your clipboardorder: {massActions: [{actionId: `${extensionId}::order-mass-action`,label: 'Order Mass Action',confirm: {title: 'Mass Action',message: 'Are you sure your want to proceed with Mass Action on selected orders?'},path: '#/order-mass-action',selectionLimit: 1},{actionId: `${extensionId}::mass-action-with-redirect`,label: 'Mass Action With Redirect',title: 'Order Mass Action With Redirect',path: '#/mass-action-with-redirect'}]}
Field | Type | Required | Description |
actionId | string | Yes | A unique ID assigned to the action. The recommended format is <extensionId>::<actionName> . |
confirm.message | string | No | The message displayed on the confirmation dialog for a mass action. |
confirm.title | string | No | The title of a dialog that confirms the mass action. |
label | string | Yes | An Action label to display in the Mass Actions grid. |
title | string | No | An optional page title for the action. If not specified, the label is used. |
path | string | Yes | The relative path in the application to redirect to the action. You might need to prepend #/ to the path to ensure access to the correct page. |
orderSelectLimit | integer | No | Set the maximum number of orders that can be selected for a mass action. By default, the number is unlimited. |
displayIframe | boolean | No | Indicates whether an iFrame will be displayed at the relative path. The default value is true . Mass actions without iFrames provides additional details. |
timeout | integer | No | Only relevant when displayIframe is set to false . Timeout by seconds to the request sent to application. Default value is 10 seconds. |
Sample code
The Adobe Commerce Extensibility Code Samples repository demonstrates how to customize the order mass action.