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REST endpoints for eventing

Adobe Commerce provides several REST endpoints that interact with the eventing processes. These endpoints require an admin token.

Subscribe to events

The POST /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/eventing/eventSubscribe endpoint subscribes the event defined in the payload. The request body has the following format:

Copied to your clipboard
"event": {
"name": "string",
"parent": "string",
"fields": [
"name": "string",
"converter": "string"
"rules": [
"field": "string",
"operator": "string",
"value": "string"
"destination": "string",
"priority": true
"force": true


Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>

The administrator must be granted access to the Magento_AdobeIoEventsClient::event_subscribe resource.

Payload Parameters:

Review the events:subscribe command to understand the possible values for each item in the request body payload.

Example usage:

The following cURL command subscribes to the observer.catalog_category_save_after event. The events contain the name and entity_id field. The priority setting expedites the transmission of this event.

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curl -i -X POST \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
-d \
"event": {
"name": "observer.catalog_category_save_after",
"fields": [
"name": "name"
"name": "entity_id"
"priority": true
}' \

Configure Commerce eventing

The PUT /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/eventing/updateConfiguration endpoint updates the Adobe I/O eventing configuration originally defined on the Stores > Settings > Configuration > Adobe Services > Adobe I/O Events > General configuration page of the Admin.

The request body has the following format:

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"config": {
"enabled": true,
"merchant_id": "string",
"environment_id": "string",
"provider_id": "string",
"instance_id": "string",
"workspace_configuration": "string"


Content-Type: application/json Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>

The administrator must be granted access to the Magento_AdobeIoEventsClient::configuration_update resource.

Payload Parameters:

All parameters are optional.

A true value indicates eventing is enabled.
The merchant's company name. The value can contain alphanumeric characters and underscores only.
A label for your environment.
An event provider ID generated by the bin/magento events:create-event-provider command.
A unique identifier. This value can contain English alphanumeric characters, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) only.
The contents of the workspace configuration file downloaded from the Adobe Developer Console.

Example usage:

The following cURL command updates the eventing configuration:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -i -X PUT \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
-H "Authorization:Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
-d \
"config": {
"enabled": 1,
"merchant_id": "test_merchant",
"environment_id": "test_environment",
"instance_id": "my_instance_id",
"provider_id": "1902bc50-12345-41e8-955b-af4a9667823f",
"workspace_configuration": "{\"project\":{\"id\":\"12324124123123\",\"name\":\"884CoralMockingbird\",\"title\":\"Test Project\",\"org\":{\"id\":\"123455\",\"name\":\"my-org-name\",\"ims_org_id\":\"12321423414134@AdobeOrg\"},\"workspace\":{\"id\":\"123455\",\"name\":\"Stage\",\"title\":\"Stage\",\"action_url\":\"https://custom-url-stage.adobeioruntime.net\",\"app_url\":\"https://custom-url-stage.adobeio-static.net\",\"details\":{\"credentials\":[{\"id\":\"581153\",\"name\":\"Credential in Beta3php83test - Stage\",\"integration_type\":\"oauth_server_to_server\",\"oauth_server_to_server\":{\"client_id\":\"xxxxxxx\",\"client_secrets\":[\"p8e-xxxxx-xxx\"],\"technical_account_email\":\"xxxxx@techacct.adobe.com\",\"technical_account_id\":\"xxxxx@techacct.adobe.com\",\"scopes\":[\"AdobeID\",\"openid\",\"read_organizations\",\"additional_info.projectedProductContext\",\"additional_info.roles\",\"adobeio_api\",\"read_client_secret\",\"manage_client_secrets\"]}}],\"services\":[{\"code\":\"AdobeIOManagementAPISDK\",\"name\":\"I/O Management API\"},{\"code\":\"commerceeventing\",\"name\":\"Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce\"}],\"runtime\":{\"namespaces\":[{\"name\":\"1339710-884coralmockingbird-stage\",\"auth\":\"xxxxxxxxxxx\"}]},\"events\":{\"registrations\":[]},\"mesh\":{}}}}}"
}' \

Get configured event provider information

The GET /rest/<store_view_code>/V1/eventing/getEventProviders endpoint returns information about the event provider configured for the Commerce instance.


Authorization: Bearer <administrator token>

The administrator must be granted access to the Magento_AdobeIoEventsClient::event_provider_list resource.

Example usage:

The following cURL command retrieves information about the configured event provider:

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curl -H "Authorization:Bearer <AUTH_TOKEN>" \
'<ADOBE_COMMERCE_URL>/rest/all/V1/eventing/getEventProviders' \

Example response:

Copied to your clipboard
"provider_id": "ad667bc6-1678-49ff-99fc-215d71ebf82f",
"instance_id": "my_instance",
"label": "my_provider",
"description": "Provides out-of-process extensibility for Adobe Commerce"
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