Event management commands

Adobe I/O Events allow you to receive notifications of real-time events taking place in Adobe services.

Adobe Commerce provides the following commands to configure and process events:

Create an event provider

The events:create-event-provider command creates an event provider ID in Adobe IO Events and displays this ID. Add the generated ID as the value of the Stores > Configuration > Adobe Services > Adobe IO Events > Adobe I/O Event Provider ID field in the Commerce Admin.

The --label and --description arguments are optional. However, if you do not specify them, then you must create a system app/etc/event-types.json file and define the values in that file before running the events:create-event-provider command. We recommend specifying the --label and --description arguments when you run the command.

If you decide to omit the arguments, the event-types.json file must have the following format:

Copied to your clipboard
"provider": {
"label": "My Adobe Commerce Events",
"description": "Provides out-of-process extensibility for Adobe Commerce"

As an alternative to above steps, you can click the Create Event Provider button on the General configuration section of the Adobe I/O Events page in the Admin.


bin/magento events:create-event-provider --label "<unique_provider_label>" --description "<provider description>"


--label A name that distinguishes your event provider from others in the project. The name can contain English alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) only. The first character must be a letter.

--description A string that describes your event provider. The string can contain English alphanumeric characters, spaces, underscores (_), and hyphens (-) only.


Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento events:create-event-provider --label "my_new_event_provider" --description "Event provider for my workspace"


Copied to your clipboard
No event provider found, a new event provider will be created
A new event provider has been created with ID <ID>.

Get details about a configured event provider

The events:provider:info command returns details about a configured event provider.




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bin/magento events:provider:info


Copied to your clipboard
Configured event provider details:
- id: abcdef12-e499-5a0a-a683-1234567890ab
- label: test provider
- description: testing local provider creation (Instance docs-stage-testing)

Get details about configured event registrations in your App Builder application

The bin/magento events:registrations:list command returns details about configured event registrations.




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bin/magento events:registrations:list


Copied to your clipboard
- Event registration 1 (5eb5106d-0e84-4c2e-ae73-b22b266a7908)

Specify the -vv option to increase the verbosity of information about the subscribed events.

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bin/magento events:registrations:list -vv


Copied to your clipboard
| name | registration_id | enabled | events |
| Event registration 1 | 5eb5106d-0e84-4c2e-ae73-b22b266a7908 | 1 | [ |
| | | | { code: com.adobe.commerce.observer.catalog_product_commit_after2, provider_id: e763142d-0439-4022-abeb-6227a396bbd2, label: Observer event catalog_product_commit_after2 } |
| | | | ] |

Create event metadata in Adobe I/O

The events:metadata:populate command creates event metadata based on XML and application configurations. This metadata gets linked to the configured event provider.

Event metadata is automatically created for new event subscriptions when you run the events:subscribe command and synchronize events registered in io_events.xml, config.php, or env.php files when the setup:upgrade command runs. In the following situations, we recommend creating event metadata using the events:metadata:populate command:

  • You have configured an event provider after an io_events.xml file was pushed to your cloud instance and a redeployment has not occurred since this change.
  • You have not run setup:upgrade since adding an io_events.xml file to your on-premise instance.
  • You manually edited the event subscriptions configuration in app/etc/config.php or app/etc/env.php.

As an alternative to running this command, you can click the Execute Synchronization button on the General configuration section of the Adobe I/O Events page in the Admin.




Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento events:metadata:populate

Subscribe to an event

The events:subscribe command subscribes the current provider to the specified event. You must define the event code using the following pattern:

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  • type specifies the origin of the event. Specify observer if the event is emitted by a Commerce observer, or specify plugin if the event is emitted by a plugin.
  • event_name identifies the event to subscribe. For example: catalog_product_save_after.

The --fields command option defines which fields within an event to send to your external application. To send all fields, specify --fields='*'. If you want to send only specific fields, use a separate instance of the --fields command option to define each field to transmit. You cannot use a * wildcard character to match partial strings.

If the Commerce event contains objects, use dotted notation to specify fields within an object. For example, if your event contains a stock_data object, and you want to send its product_id and qty fields, you would specify the --fields stock_data.product_id and --fields stock_data.qty command options. Commerce module development provides a detailed example of using files to register events.

The command supports observer events by default. You must perform additional steps to subscribe to a plugin event:

  1. Run the bin/magento events:subscribe --fields <event_code> --force command to force the subscription.

  2. Run the bin/magento events:generate:module command to generate or regenerate the AdobeCommerceEvents module.

  3. Run the bin/magento setup:di:compile command to create the classes necessary to handle the event.

You can also create and subscribe to a conditional event. Conditional events allow you to determine the conditions that the Commerce events client module uses to emit native or custom events to your application. See Create conditional events for detailed information and examples.


bin/magento events:subscribe <event_code> --force --fields=<name1> --fields=<name2> --parent <event_code> --rules=<field-name>|<operator>|<value> --rules=<field-name2>|<operator>|<value2> --hipaaAuditRequired --priority --destination=<destination>


<event_code> Required. Specifies the event to subscribe to. The value must be in the format <type.event_name>.


--fields='{"<name>":"<field-name>", "converter":"<path\to\converterclass>"}' Required, but the converter argument is optional. Specifies an event field to transmit to the Adobe App Builder application. You can specify this option multiple times. Each instance can contain only one field name. The converter argument applies the converter class to the specified field.

--force, -f Forces subscription to the event, even if it hasn't been defined locally.

--parent=<event code> Specifies the name of the event to use as the basis of an event rule. If you specify this option, you must also specify the --rules option.

--priority, -p Expedites the transmission of this event. Specify this option for events that need to be delivered immediately. By default, events are sent by cron once per minute.

--rules=<field-name>|<operator>|<value> Defines a rule that will be applied to the subscribed event. You can apply multiple rules to an event, but each rule must be defined separately. A rule definition must specify the field to be evaluated, an operator, and the value to be evaluated, in that order. The field name in a rule definition does not have to match a field specified with the --fields option.

--fields='{"<name>":"<field-name>", "converter":"<path\to\converterclass>"}' Applies the converter class to the given field.

--destination, -d A custom destination for the event. This argument is used for SaaS integrations.

--hipaaAuditRequired Indicates the event contains data that is subject to HIPAA auditing.`


To subscribe to a native event:

Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento events:subscribe observer.catalog_product_save_after --fields=sku --fields=stock_data.qty

To create and subscribe to a conditional event based on observer.catalog_product_save_after:

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bin/magento events:subscribe observer.catalog_product_save_after_low_quantity \
--parent observer.catalog_product_save_after \
--fields=sku --fields=stock_data.qty \
--rules="stock_data.qty|lessThan|20" --rules="name|regex|/^TV .*/i"


Copied to your clipboard
The subscription com.adobe.commerce.observer.catalog_product_save_after was successfully created

Unsubscribe from a Commerce event

The events:unsubscribe command causes the current provider to unsubscribe from the specified event. You cannot unsubscribe from events defined in a module's or root etc/io_events.xml file. However, you can unsubscribe events that were registered in the app/etc/config.php or app/etc/env.php file or from the events:subscribe command.

Use the events:list command to retrieve a list of subscribed events.


bin/magento events:unsubscribe <event_code>


<event_code> Required. Specifies the event to unsubscribe from.


Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento events:unsubscribe observer.catalog_product_save_after


Copied to your clipboard
Successfully unsubscribed from the `observer.catalog_product_save_after` event

List subscribed Commerce events

The events:list command returns a list of subscribed events.


bin/magento events:list


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bin/magento events:list


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List supported events

The events:list:all command returns a list of supported events defined in the specified module. (Commerce Eventing does not support all possible events.) The command returns an error if the specified module has been disabled.


bin/magento events:list:all <module_name>


<module_name> Required. Specifies the module to query.


Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento events:list:all Magento_Store


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Copied to your clipboard
The events metadata was successfully created:

Return event details

The events:info command returns the payload of the specified event in JSON format.


bin/magento events:info [--depth=<integer>] <event_code>


<event_code> Required. Specifies the event to query.


--depth=<integer> Optional. Determines how many nested levels of the payload to return. The default value is 2.


bin/magento events:info plugin.magento.customer.api.customer_repository.save --depth=1


If the depth value of 2 was specified, the response would also include details about the addresses and extension_attributes objects.

Copied to your clipboard
"id": "int",
"group_id": "int",
"default_billing": "string",
"default_shipping": "string",
"confirmation": "string",
"created_at": "string",
"updated_at": "string",
"created_in": "string",
"dob": "string",
"email": "string",
"firstname": "string",
"lastname": "string",
"middlename": "string",
"prefix": "string",
"suffix": "string",
"gender": "int",
"store_id": "int",
"taxvat": "string",
"website_id": "int",
"addresses": "\Magento\Customer\Api\Data\AddressInterface[]",
"disable_auto_group_change": "int",
"extension_attributes": "\Magento\Customer\Api\Data\CustomerExtensionInterface"

Generate a Commerce module based on a list of subscribed events

The events:generate:module command generates a module with plugins based on your configuration and places it into the Commerce app/code/Magento/AdobeCommerceEvents directory. This command is applicable for on-premises deployments only.


bin/magento events:generate:module


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bin/magento events:generate:module


Copied to your clipboard
Module was generated in the app/code/Magento directory