Install the migration module

The migration module is a composer package hosted within our repository. This package is only available for those with Commerce access keys.


Before installing the migration module, you need to prepare the environment you intend to migrate:

  • Make a backup of your current database.

  • Remove BlueFoot from your current Adobe Commerce instance: composer remove gene/bluefoot.

    BlueFoot does not contain uninstall scripts, but we do preserve your data on uninstall.

  • Upgrade to Commerce 2.3.1 (which includes Page Builder).

    Please see our Command-line upgrade instructions on how to complete this. Page Builder itself does not convert any of your content. We preserve your existing BlueFoot content when we install Page Builder.

Composer installation

To install the migration module:

  1. Navigate to the root directory of your Commerce 2.3.1 installation.

  2. Use the following composer command:

    Copied to your clipboard
    composer require magento/module-page-builder-data-migration
  3. Disable the default migration-on-deployment feature.

    This step is critical for migration development work. It disables the default migration module behavior that migrates your content as part of the deployment using setup:upgrade. We made this the default behavior so that deployment to production is easy. But during development, you need to turn it off so that you do not run your migrations accidentally, before you have made strategic changes to your migration code, or backups to your database.

After completing these steps, the data migration source code can be found within the vendor/magento directory with the other Commerce modules.

GitHub installation

To install the migration module from the GitHub repo, you will need access to the private repo: magento/magento2-page-builder-data-migration:

  1. Navigate into the directory above your Magento 2 installation.

  2. Clone the magento/magento2-page-builder-data-migration repository using the following command:

    Copied to your clipboard
    git clone
  3. Symlink the magento2-page-builder-data-migration into your Commerce installation:

    Copied to your clipboard
    php <magento-root-directory>/dev/tools/build-ee.php --command=link --ce-source <magento-root-directory> --ee-source magento2-page-builder-data-migration
  4. Disable the default migration-on-deployment feature.

    Note: This step is critical for migration development work. It disables the default migration module behavior that migrates your content as part of the deployment using setup:upgrade. We made this the default behavior so that deployment to production is easy. But during development, you need to turn it off so that you do not run your migrations accidentally, before you have made strategic changes to your migration code, or backups to your database.

After completing these steps, the data migration source code should sit alongside the root directory of Commerce 2.3.1 installation, with the symlinks placed within. If your directory structure differs, adjust your symlink paths as needed.

Disable migration on deployment

This step disables the migration module feature that migrates your content as part of the deployment using setup:upgrade. During development, you often need to customize your migration code before running migrations to ensure that your content migrates to Page Builder as intended. So it is best to turn off this auto-migration feature and use the explicit migration command as described in running the migration module.

To disable migration on deployment, run the following queries on the setup_module and patch_list tables in your database. These query values indicate that the migration module has already been installed, which prevents Commerce from applying the patch and auto-running the migration before you are ready.

Copied to your clipboard
INSERT INTO `setup_module` (`module`, `schema_version`, `data_version`)
('Magento_PageBuilderDataMigration', '1.0.0', '1.0.0');
INSERT INTO `patch_list` (`patch_name`)

Modifying migration source code

We do not plan on releasing any updates of the PageBuilderDataMigration module. This means you can modify the migration source code as needed to suite your needs.

Next Steps

Run the migration module.