Install the Open Source metapackage

While PWA uses the standard GraphQL workflow, the metapackage adds capabilities for some PWA Studio features.

You must install this metapackage in all projects using PWA Studio 12.1.0 and higher.

Installation as a git-based composer package

To set up and develop your PWA extension modules locally, use the following instructions.

  1. Clone the magento2-pwa repository into your vendor directory name:

    Copied to your clipboard
    git clone ext/magento/magento2-pwa
  2. Update the magento2/composer.json settings to create a better development workflow for your extension modules:

    • Update the minimum-stability for packages to dev. This allows for the installation of development modules:

      Copied to your clipboard
      composer config minimum-stability dev
    • To work with stable packages, ensure that the prefer-stable property is true. This property should already be included in the composer.json file, right above the minimum-stability setting.

    • Configure composer to find new extension modules. The following command configures composer to treat any extension code inside the ext directory as a package and creates a symlink to the vendor directory:

      Copied to your clipboard
      composer config repositories.ext path "./vendor/ext/*/*/*"
  3. Install the pwa metapackage:

    Copied to your clipboard
    composer require magento/pwa

At this point, you should see symlinks for all the pwa modules inside the vendor directory. These symlinks allow you to:

  • Run a Magento installation with additional modules.
  • Develop locally using the standard git workflow.

Make sure that all of the required modules are enabled when you run bin/magento module:status. See, Enable or disable a component in the PHP Developer Guide for instructions. The following modules should now be enabled:

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Setting up the Git workflow

To improve the developer experience even further, you can add these configurations as well:

  1. Exclude all the ext directories in the project's .git configuration:

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    echo ext >> ./.git/info/exclude
  2. Skip your project's root directory composer.\* files to avoid committing them by mistake:

    Copied to your clipboard
    git update-index --skip-worktree composer.json && git update-index --skip-worktree composer.lock

    NOTE: You can reverse this operation anytime as needed:

    Copied to your clipboard
    git update-index --no-skip-worktree composer.json && git update-index --no-skip-worktree composer.lock

Cloud deployment extension installation

  1. Add as a composer repository by adding the following to the composer.json file of your cloud instances.

    Copied to your clipboard
    "repositories": {
    "repo": {
    "type": "composer",
    "url": ""
  2. Require the magento/pwa extension by adding the following to the composer.json file of your cloud instances.

    Copied to your clipboard
    "require": {
    "magento/pwa": "0.2.1"
  3. Ensure your auth.json file has valid credentials for

  4. Run composer update to update your composer.lock file.

  5. Push the changes and deploy your cloud instance.