Venia sample data metapackage

The Venia storefront looks best when running against a Magento 2 backend with the Venia sample data installed.

The buildpack create-env-file command defaults to the URL for a Magento 2 cloud instance that has the Venia sample data installed, so setting up a Magento 2 instance and installing sample data into it is now an optional step.

Follow the instructions on this page to install the Venia sample data into your Magento 2 development instance.


  • PHP 7.4+
  • System access to a Magento 2 instance

If you have the previous magento2-sample-data module installed, you need to remove the sample data modules and re-install Magento with a clean database.

Step 1. Set the composer repository in the config

Run the following command in the Magento root directory setup the repository for the sample data in

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composer config --no-interaction --ansi repositories.venia-sample-data composer

Step 2. Require in the sample data

Run the following command in the Magento root directory to update the composer.json to require in magento/venia-sample-data metapackage:

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composer require --no-interaction --ansi magento/venia-sample-data:*

Step 3. Install the sample data modules

Run the following command in the Magento root directory to install the Venia data from the modules:

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bin/magento setup:upgrade

Step 4. Reindex the new data

Run the following command in the Magento root directory to reindex the data from the modules:

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bin/magento indexer:reindex

Step 5. Verify installation

Log into the Admin section or visit the store of your Magento instance to verify the sample data installation.

Sample data installed in Magento