Retrieving detailed attributes
Swagger and other types of code-generated documentation erroneously indicate several APIs that search across multiple objects return detailed information about individual objects. Detailed information, such as extensionAttributes
, customAttributes
, and possibly other fields, are generally available only when requesting information on a single object.
This document lists the PHP, REST, and SOAP calls that indicate they return detailed information, but might not. It also provides the call that returns the detailed data.
If the attribute is not required (is_required = false) and has a null value, then the attribute is excluded from the REST/SOAP response.
Customer module
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | CustomerRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | CustomerRepositoryInterface::getById($customerId) |
REST | /V1/customers/search | /V1/customers/{id} |
SOAP | customerCustomerRepositoryV1GetList | customerCustomerRepositoryV1GetById |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | GroupRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | GroupRepositoryInterface::getById($id) |
REST | /V1/customerGroups/search | /V1/customerGroups/{id} |
SOAP | customerGroupRepositoryV1GetList | customerGroupRepositoryV1GetById |
EAV module
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | AttributeSetRepositoryInterface::getList($entityTypeCode, $searchCriteria) | AttributeSetRepositoryInterface::get($attributeSetId) |
REST | /V1/eav/attribute-sets/list | /V1/eav/attribute-sets/{attributeSetId} |
SOAP | eavAttributeSetRepositoryV1GetList | eavAttributeSetRepositoryV1Get |
GiftWrapping module (Enterprise Edition)
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | WrappingRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | WrappingRepositoryInterface::get($ruleId) |
REST | /V1/gift-wrappings | /V1/gift-wrappings/:id |
SOAP | giftWrappingWrappingRepositoryV1GetList | giftWrappingWrappingRepositoryV1Get |
Quote module
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | CartRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | CartRepositoryInterface::get($cartId) |
REST | /V1/carts/search | /V1/carts/{cartId} |
SOAP | quoteCartRepositoryV1GetList | quoteCartRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | GuestPaymentMethodManagementInterface::getList($cartId) | GuestPaymentMethodManagementInterface::get($cartId) |
REST | /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/payment-methods | /V1/guest-carts/:cartId/selected-payment-method |
SOAP | quoteGuestPaymentMethodManagementV1GetList | quoteGuestPaymentMethodManagementV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | PaymentMethodManagementInterface::getList($cartId) | PaymentMethodManagementInterface::get($cartId) |
REST | /V1/carts/:cartId/payment-methods | /V1/carts/:cartId/selected-payment-method |
SOAP | quotePaymentMethodManagementV1GetList | quotePaymentMethodManagementV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | PaymentMethodManagementInterface::getList($cartId) | PaymentMethodManagementInterface::get($cartId) |
REST | /V1/carts/mine/payment-methods | /V1/carts/mine/selected-payment-method |
SOAP | quotePaymentMethodManagementV1GetList | quotePaymentMethodManagementV1Get |
Sales module
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | CreditmemoRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | CreditmemoRepositoryInterface::get($id) |
REST | /V1/creditmemos | /V1/creditmemo/{id} |
SOAP | salesCreditmemoRepositoryV1GetList | salesCreditmemoRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | InvoiceRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | InvoiceRepositoryInterface::get($id) |
REST | /V1/invoices | /V1/invoices/{id} |
SOAP | salesInvoiceRepositoryV1GetList | salesInvoiceRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | OrderItemRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | OrderItemRepositoryInterface::get($id) |
REST | /V1/orders/items | /V1/orders/items/{id} |
SOAP | salesOrderItemRepositoryV1GetList | salesOrderItemRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | OrderRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | OrderRepositoryInterface::get($id) |
REST | /V1/orders | /V1/orders/{id} |
SOAP | salesOrderRepositoryV1GetList | salesOrderRepositoryV1GetList |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | ShipmentRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | ShipmentRepositoryInterface::get($id) |
REST | /V1/shipments | /V1/shipment/{id} |
SOAP | salesShipmentRepositoryV1GetList | salesShipmentRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | TransactionRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | TransactionRepositoryInterface:get($id) |
REST | /V1/transactions | /V1/transactions/{id} |
SOAP | salesTransactionRepositoryV1GetList | salesTransactionRepositoryV1Get |
SalesRule module
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | CouponRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | CouponRepositoryInterface::getById($couponId) |
REST | /V1/coupons/search | /V1/coupons/{couponId} |
SOAP | salesRuleCouponRepositoryV1GetList | salesRuleCouponRepositoryV1GetById |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | RuleRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | RuleRepositoryInterface::getById($ruleId) |
REST | /V1/salesRules/search | /V1/salesRules/{ruleId} |
SOAP | salesRuleRuleRepositoryV1GetListRequest | salesRuleRuleRepositoryV1GetById |
Tax module
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | TaxClassRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | TaxClassRepositoryInterface::get($taxClassId) |
REST | /V1/taxClasses/search | /V1/taxClass/{rateId} |
SOAP | taxTaxClassRepositoryV1GetList | taxTaxClassRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | TaxRateRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | TaxRateRepositoryInterface::get($rateId) |
REST | /V1/taxRates/search | /V1/taxRates/{rateId} |
SOAP | taxTaxRateRepositoryV1GetList | taxTaxRateRepositoryV1Get |
Language | Does not return detailed attributes | Returns detailed attributes |
PHP | TaxRuleRepositoryInterface::getList($searchCriteria) | TaxRuleRepositoryInterface::get($ruleId) |
REST | /V1/taxRules/search | /V1/taxRules/{ruleId} |
SOAP | taxTaxRuleRepositoryV1GetList | taxTaxRuleRepositoryV1Get |