In-Store Pickup
The Inventory In-Store Pickup functionality exposes an endpoint that retrieves a list of pickup locations, and another endpoint that notifies the customer that their order is ready for pickup.
Service names:
Copied to your clipboardinventoryInStorePickupApiGetPickupLocationsV1inventoryInStorePickupSalesApiNotifyOrdersAreReadyForPickupV1
REST endpoints:
Copied to your clipboardGET /V1/inventory/in-store-pickup/pickup-locationsPOST /V1/order/notify-orders-are-ready-for-pickup
Search for pickup locations
The GET /V1/inventory/in-store-pickup/pickup-locations
endpoint searches for and filters on pickup locations, allowing the shopper to quickly narrow the results. The endpoint does not require authentication.
Search terms, filters, and other attributes are specified as query parameters in the URL. This endpoint uses a different syntax than other Adobe Commerce GET calls that send searchCriteria
parameters. Instead, the GET /V1/inventory/in-store-pickup/pickup-locations
endpoint requires that each query parameter begins with searchRequest
. The scopeCode
parameter is required. All other parameters are optional.
Name | Type | Description |
[scopeCode]= | String | Required. The Sales Channel code of the assigned Stock. |
[scopeType]= | String | The Sales Channel type. The default value is website . |
[area][radius]= | Int | The radius, in kilometers, to search. The Distance Priority Algorithm must be configured to search an area. This parameter must be used with [area][searchTerm] . |
[area][searchTerm]= | String | The text to search, such as a city or region. This parameter must be used with [area][radius] . |
[filters][country][value]= | String | Filters by the specified country_id . |
[filters][country][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[filters][postcode][value]= | String | Filters by the specified postcode . |
[filters][postcode][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[filters][region][value]= | String | Filters by the specified region . |
[filters][region][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[filters][city][value]= | String | Filters by the specified city . |
[filters][city][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[filters][street][value]= | String | Filters by the specified street . |
[filters][street][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[filters][name][value]= | String | Filters by the specified display name . |
[filters][name][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[filters][pickupLocationCode][value]= | String | Filters by the specified source code name. |
[filters][pickupLocationCode][conditionType]= | String | Optional. The default value is eq . |
[extensionAttributes][productsInfo][0][sku]= | String | Returns a list of products with the specified SKU that are assigned to each pickup location. Locations without all the assigned products will be filtered out. |
[extensionAttributes][productsInfo][0][extensionAttributes]= | String | Extension point reserved for future use. |
[pageSize]= | Int | Specifies the maximum number of items to return. |
[currentPage]= | Int | Returns the current page. |
[sort][0][field]= | String | Specifies the field to sort on. |
[sort][0][direction]= | String | Specifies whether to return results in ascending ( ASC ) or descending (DESC ) order. The default is DESC . |
Search using REST endpoints provides a full list of supported condition types.
Sample Usage:
GET <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/inventory/in-store-pickup/pickup-locations
Define the payload as part of the GET
request string.
Copied to your clipboardsearchRequest[area][radius]=1500&searchRequest[area][searchTerm]=Austin&searchRequest[scopeCode]=base&searchRequest[extensionAttributes][productsInfo][0][sku]=SKU1
Commerce returns Pickup Locations list, search request given and total results count.
Copied to your clipboard{"items": [{"pickup_location_code": "txspeqs","name": "Sport Equipment Store","email": "","contact_name": "Ethan Carter","description": "Sport Equipment Store description","latitude": 29.7543,"longitude": -95.3609,"country_id": "US","region_id": 57,"region": "Texas","city": "Houston","street": "4631 Airport Blvd #125","postcode": "77010","phone": "(555) 555-5555"}],"search_request": {"area": {"radius": 1500,"search_term": "Austin"},"current_page": 1,"scope_type": "website","scope_code": "base","extension_attributes": {"products_info": [{"sku": "SKU1"}]}},"total_count": 1}
Mark an order as ready for pickup
The POST /V1/order/notify-orders-are-ready-for-pickup
endpoint creates a shipment and sends an email notifying the customer that the order is ready to be picked up.
The endpoint requires appropriate permission to resource Magento_InventoryInStorePickupApi::notify_orders_are_ready_for_pickup
Sample Usage:
POST <host>/rest/<store_code>/V1/order/notify-orders-are-ready-for-pickup
Copied to your clipboard{"orderIds": [81]}
Commerce returns an array with success status and an array of error messages for each failed order.
Copied to your clipboard{"successful": true,"failed": []}