Adobe I/O Events Registration API


  • Create a project in the Adobe Developer Console

  • Add the I/O Management API in your Adobe Developer Console project

    • Click on Add to Project > API
    • Select I/O Management API
    • On the Add Credential screen, create a new OAuth server-to-server credential
    • Save
    • Bookmark your workspace, as you might need to come back to it more than once, to fine tune or troubleshoot your configurations.
    • Once done, note you have an OAuth server-to-server credential defined
  • Note all your org, api-key and other contextual Ids

    • Browse to your Adobe Developer Console > Project overview
    • Click on Download, open the downloaded json file with your favorite editor, in there you'll find:
      • your consumer Org Id (also called consumer id) (at
      • your IMS Org Id (at
      • your credential Id (also called application id) (at project.workspace.details.credentials[0].id, note that credentials is an array, if you have more than one, pick the one where you defined your OAuth server-to-server credential
      • your client_id (also called x-api-key) (at project.workspace.details.credentials[0].oauth_server_to_server.client_id
  • Define your event registration. You will need:

    • either a webhook url (accessible from the internet, reachable over HTTPS and that correctly responds to a challenge request), refer our guide on getting started with I/O Events webhooks.
    • or you can also define your runtime action.
      Note - Do not define both.
    • a name (a user-friendly name, used for display in the Adobe Developer Console)
    • an array of events of interests, that are defined with 2 ids
      • a provider_id: defining one of the events source system (the events provider) your organization is entitled to,
      • a event_code: defining a type of the events the above system (the events provider) is emitting.
  • Generate an OAuth Server-to-Server token

Test Drive

Once the above are defined (and stuffed as environment variables), you are ready to use our registration API.

To help you further and document the typical Webhook Registration Payload, here is a sample POST curl query that will create a new Webhook Registration against https://your.webhook.

Copied to your clipboard
curl -v --request POST \
--url${consumer_id}/${project_id}/${workspace_id}/registrations \
--header "x-api-key: $api_key" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $oauth_s2s_token" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/hal+json' \
--data '{
"client_id": "${api_key}",
"webhook_url": "https://your.webhook",
"name": "a user friendly name",
"description": "description for the registration",
"delivery_type": "webhook",
"events_of_interest": [{
"provider_id": "some_provider",
"event_code": "some_event_code"

Or, this curl query to create Webhook Registration with a runtime_action

Copied to your clipboard
curl -v --request POST \
--url${consumer_id}/${project_id}/${workspace_id}/registrations \
--header "x-api-key: $api_key" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $oauth_s2s_token" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/hal+json' \
--data '{
"client_id": "${api_key}",
"runtime_action": "your_app/your-runtime-action",
"name": "a user friendly name",
"description": "description for the registration",
"delivery_type": "webhook",
"events_of_interest": [{
"provider_id": "some_provider",
"event_code": "some_event_code"

Once the request is successfully completed with a status of 200, your specified webhook or runtime action will start receiving events with the specified event code as and when it is published by the specified event provider via HTTP POST requests.

Below is a sample POST curl query that will create a new Journal Registration:

Copied to your clipboard
curl -v --request POST \
--url${consumer_id}/${project_id}/${workspace_id}/registrations \
--header "x-api-key: $api_key" \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $oauth_s2s_token" \
--header 'content-type: application/json' \
--header 'Accept: application/hal+json' \
--data '{
"client_id": "${api_key}",
"name": "a user friendly name",
"description": "description for the registration",
"delivery_type": "journal",
"events_of_interest": [{
"provider_id": "some_provider",
"event_code": "some_event_code"

Once successfully registered, events from the journal can then be retrieved using the Journaling API.

If you wonder how to fetch the valid provider ids and event codes, look at our Provider API.