
InDesign v20.0


UXP v8.0.1

Breaking Changes

  • enableFillAsCustomAttribute feature flag, introduced in UXP v7.1.0, will be turned on by default.



  • New components supported in Spectrum Web Components (SWC). More details here

    • sp-asset
    • sp-meter
    • sp-number-field
    • sp-overlay
    • sp-quick-actions
    • sp-search
    • sp-swatch
  • New command line templates to get started with SWC easily. Find details in this section.

  • Support for local HTML files in WebView

  • New CSS capabilities

    • scaleX() & scaleY()
    • transform-origin
    • translate property
    • Box-shadow property now supports transform rotate.
  • New feature flag CSSNextSupport in the manifest.json to gate the new and future CSS capability.

    Manifest settingDescription
    featureFlags: {"CSSNextSupport": true}
    Enables all the new CSS features.
    featureFlags: {"CSSNextSupport": ["boxShadow", "transformFunctions", "transformProperties" ]}
    Enables only the named properties in the list.

    Note that "enableSWCSupport": true will enable CSSNextSupport by default, even if it is not done explicitly in plugin manifest otherwise.

  • Video enhancements: Support added for Seek Event

  • Support for Navigator.language API

  • Support for new HTMLElement APIs - append, prepend and replaceChildren

  • [Beta] Support for form reset in HTMLFormElement


InDesign v19.4

UXP v7.4.0


  • UXP Alerts (alert, prompt, confirm) have been moved back to beta due to a few inherent instabilities in this feature. While we work on addressing these issues, the feature can be accessed using the feature flag enableAlerts in the manifest.json file. Also, note that UXP alerts will be available only in Plugins and not in scripts.
  • Wildcards (*) at the top-level domain name are not allowed. Please ensure you revisit the permissions setup in manifest.json for WebView, and network calls XMLHttp fetch
  • New doc for tracking the mapping between Spectrum widgets and Spectrum Web Components in UXP


  • XMP in Scripts.
  • Plugin crashes while using fit-content
  • WebView support for file selector in MacOS
  • GUID returning hashed empty string
  • Updated missing docs for pseudo-class defined (Available since UXP v6.0)

InDesign v19.2


  • [BREAKING CHANGE] UXP logs and console.log paths have changed.

InDesign v19.0

Plug-Ins menu lists the installed UXP plugins and their panel entrypoints.

Plug-Ins Menu


  • Random app hang issue when invoking doScript() from UXP plugins.
  • App crashes at quit when event handlers are registered.

UXP v7.3.0 & UXP v7.2




  • Tab Navigation not working for several SWC Components is now fixed
  • Spacebar doesn't work on SWC Button component when reached via TAB navigation.
  • Support for Alerts

UDT v2.0


  • UXP Playground to experiment with APIs. Click on the 'Playground' tab next to 'Developer Workspace' to select an app and get started.


  • Plugin actions are surfaced based on the 'Status' of your plugin in the Developer Workspace

InDesign v18.5

UXP Plugins are now available! Get started here.

UXP v7.1


HTMLElement now supports



  • SVGElement: The color of the fill attribute using a CSS variable will resolve as per the variable value. For now, please test this fix by enabling the feature flag in your plugin manifest "featureFlags" : { "enableFillAsCustomAttribute" : true }. This flag will be turned on by default in the next UXP release.
Copied to your clipboard
// CSS variable
html {
--iconColor: yellow;
<svg height="100" width="100">
<circle cx="50" cy="50" r="40" stroke="black" stroke-width="3" fill="var(--iconColor, red)" />
// shows a yellow circle

UXP v7.0



  • HTMLVideoElement: 'metadata' is the default value for preload attribute
  • FS API: No need for the file:// protocol

InDesign v18.4

InDesign APIs


    InDesign DOM APIs are no longer available in the global scope. You must mount the APIs first before using them. Plus, you can now access different versions of DOM APIs.
  • Events
    UXP scripts now have the functionality to handle standard events that InDesign emits. You can use the eventListenerobject to catch such events.
  • Arguments in UXP Scripts
    Arguments can now be passed to a UXP script, and can be used within the script.
  • Setting script result
    UXP scripts now have a "result" associated with them. Set a result for a script for debugging puposes as well as passed to another script for utilization.
  • Menus
    UXP scripts now have APIs which can be used to add new menu items, remove existing menu items etc. Read more.